Thursday, December 31, 2009

Shri Kamalaambayaaha Param -- Bhairavi Raagam -- Jampa Thaalam

This is the fifth aavarana which is known as Bhahir Dasaaram indicating the ten outer minor  triangles and the relative Chakra is Sarvaartha saadaka chakra meaning accomplisher of all. The yogini is kuloththeerna meaning crossing beyond kula.The chakra deity is known as thripurasri, the auspicious thripura. The krithi is composed by Dikshithar in Bhairavi raagam and the raaga mudra is in anupallavi.

Pallavi :=
Shri Kamalaambaayaaha param nahi re re chiththa := Oh mind! There is nothing beyond Kamalaambika,

Kshithyaadi Shivaantha thathva swaroopinyaha := She is the core principle of every thing starting from Her Divine Consort Lord Shiva onwards to the Earth meaning from the subtle of the subtlest to the gross of the grossest..The cosmic consciousness or the cosmic being shines in all the individuals eternally. We name Her Shakthi, the power within in beings, matter etc.

Anu Pallavi:=

Shrikanta vishnu virinchaadi janayithriyaaha :=She is the mother of deities,Shiva,Vishnu, and Brahmaa as She has created them..When a vibration arises in the cosmic form of Mother Shakthi just as a wave is born in an ocaen Vishnu is born.Brahma is born and Shiva is born to carry on the three fold activity of creation, sustenance and dissolution.
Shivaathmaka vishva karthriyaaha kaarayithyaaha := With Shiva  as the pure consciousness permeating the Universe in its varied forms, Shakthi has created this world and every thing moves according to Her order.
 Shrikara bahir dasaara chakrasthithyaaha := She resides in the auspicious outer ten triangles
Sevitha Bhairavi, Bhargavi Bhaarathyaaha := Attended to by Mahakali, Lakshmi and Saraswathi.
 Those who know the vedaas consider the Mahamayaa who controls the universe as the embodiment of Parvathi,Lakshmi and Saraswathi.

Charanam :=

Sarvaartha saadhaka chakra

Nadamaya sookshma rupa sarva siddhi pradaadi dasa shakthyaaraaditha murthe := Here Devi is qualified as the one who is the embodiment of sound and of subtle form. The primordial sound is known as pranava .This sound is purported to exist before the creation and it is the sound that stays after the pralaya.In creation the first thing produced is sound and it is the subtle form of ether. Since sound is the first material possession, it is by dint of sound alone we can
dissolve our material existence.

This is known as the naada rupa,the embodiment of sound of the supreme consciousness or awareness.
She is further described as the deity worshiped by the ten sub-deities of subtle form such as the following:
Sarvasiddhi prada, conferring all powers
Sarva sampath prada , conferring all wealth.
Sarva priankari , lovable by all.
Sarva mangala karini ,conferring all auspiciousness ,
Sarva kama prada , conferring all desires ,
Sarva dukha vimochani , removing all sufferings.
Sarva mrithyu prasamani, .mitigating all deaths .
Sarva vigna nivaarini ,removing all obstacles
Sarvaanga sundari , Beautiful in all limbs .
Sowbaagya daayini , conferring all prosperity

Shrothraadi  dasa karana athmaka kula kaulikaadi bahu vidha upaasitha kirthehe:=
There are five gnanendriyaas viz. ears, skin, eyes, tongue, and our body and there are five karmendriyaas viz. mouth, hands, legs, genitals and anus. The presiding deities of these ten indriyas or senses are known as kula kaulikadi deities and Devi is worshipped by them in varied forms including the tantric form of worship.

Abheda nithya shuddha buddha muktha sachidananda maya parama advaitha spurthehe :=
 She is free from thoughts of differences. She is eternal, pure, liberated; She is the chit shakthi as well as the
Ananda Bhirava in one. She is the highest pure consciousness pervading  all the sentient and insentient ,
embodiment of the philosophy of  advaitha, the oneness principle.

Adi madhyaantha rahitha aprameya guruguha moditha sarvaartha saadakaspurthehe :=
 Here Guruguha (Muruga) is described as one who is not conditioned by the three states of creation, sustenance and destruction. He is further said to be immeasurable or unfathomable.The saadhakaas
who please Muruga by dint of their steadfast yogic practices worship Devi .

Mulaadi navaadaara vyavrittha dasadhwani bedagna yogi brinda samrakshinyaha :=
Devi protects the yogi groups who have the capacity to identify the subtle sounds of ten different types
on the path of  kundalini rising along the sushumna. from mulaadhaara to sahasrara . Our body is created with the help of nine basic substances which are known as moola prakrithis . Corresponding to the nine chakraas of  Srichakra represented by nine triangles bone marrow, semen, prana, and jeeva are pertaining to Shiva.
Prana is a certain form of matter which the athma organizes or builds up as a means of  having experience.
Jeeva is the principle of life which develops matter by guiding the energy immersed in matter. These are the
upward triangles as per samaya worship.
Skin, blood, flesh, brain and bone are the five downward triangles representing Shakthi.

Anaadi maya avidya kaarya kaarana vinoda karana patuthara kataaksha veekshanyaahaa  :=
Maya is termed as primordial cause of creation which produces avidya or ignorance in the mind of jeeva.
This in turn binds the jeeva under cause and effect of actions.i.e kaarya and kaarana. The powerful side glances of Devi i.e kataaksha veekshanam, dispels the avidya and thereby  release the jeeva from the
samsaara,viz. birth and death in succession.

The audio version of the song is available with "" under the label of Kamalamba Navavaranam


Monday, November 30, 2009

Kamalaambikaayai -- kambodhi -- ata thalam

The Fourth Aavarana of Shri Kamalaamba Navaavarana consists of fourteen triangles. These are fourteen minor triangles presided over by yoginis and the relative Chakra is known as Sarva Sowbhagya Dayaka, which grants excellence. Even in Bhagavad Gita it is said yoga is excellence in action.The right frame of mind for such an action is bestowed by this aavaranam.The fourth aavaranam is in the fourth vibhakthi..The raga mudra comes in the charanam.

Pallavi :=

Kamalaambikaayai kanakaamshukaayai karpoora veetikaayai namasthe namasthe:= My  prostration to  you again and again, Kamalaambika who wears golden silk dress and uses the fragrant karpoora betals.


Kamalaakaanthaanujaayai kaameshwaryai ajaayai:= She is the younger sister of Vishnu the consort of Lakshmi. She is Kaameshwari.As Kaanchi periavar says " Ambaal is holding sugarcane bow and flower arrows in order to relieve us of our mental agitations. Once the grace of Devi befalls a person that person will have equanimity in respect of every thing perceived by him. She is ajaa, devoid of birth and death. She is the embodiment of pure consciousness. She is the absolute Brahman, the supreme peace,unborn and permanent.

Himagiri thanujaayai := She is the daughter of Himavaan, the king of mountains.

Hreemkaara poojyayai :=Kaameshwri is worshipped as a vashini devatha or deity in the sarva roga hara chakra of eight triangles which will be dealt in a later krithi, and Her beeja manthra is hreemkaara.

Madhyama kaalam:=

Kamala nagara vihaarinyai kala samooha samhaarinyai := She is sporting in the Kamala nagara of Thiruvaarur or She is sporting in our hearts which is termed as kamala nagara by Dikshithar. She is the destroyer of wicked people, or She is the destroyer of our wicked thoughts in our minds.

Kamaneeya rathna haarinyai kali kalmasha parihaarinyai := She wears a beautiful gem-set necklace, She is the destroyer of sins committed by us in this kaliyuga.

Charanam :=

Sarva sowbhaagya dhaayaka chakram

Sakala sowbhaagya daayaka ambhoja charanaayai:=   The lotus feet of Devi confers the devotee all prosperity.

Samkshobinyaadi shakthi yutha chathurthaavaranaayai:=The Fourth aavarana belongs to you wherein you are endowed with the power of Samkshobini viz. giver of all prosperity.

Prakata chathur dasa bhuvana bharanaayai:= You bear the famous fourteen worlds.

The rishis of lore talked about experiences of life in fourteen worlds, seven higher worlds and seven lower worlds. There are three worlds wherein the ego undergoes reincarnation and repeated deaths.These are bhur loka ,the earth; bhuvar loka, the world and the next which is connected to this world but constituted of fine matter.  suvar loka, the heavenly world. Beyond these, there are four other worlds wherein the ego moves about and enjoys higher evolutionary life. These are known as Mahar loka, Jana loka, thapa loka, sathya loka.

Below the earth there are seven worlds viz.,Paathaalam, Mahathaalam. Rasaathalam, Thalathaalam, Suthaalam, Vithaalam and Athaaalam

Prabhala guruguha sampradaaya anthah karanaayai := You represent the inner core of the famous Guruguha tradition.

Here guruguha denotes Dikshithar and he belonged to smartha sampradaaya. As a staunch follower of smaartha sampradaaya he was a srividya upasaka and experiences Devi as pure consciousness within himself.

Akalanka rupa varnaayai aparnaayai suparnaayai :=Blemishless, beautiful in the form and hue with the names of Aparna and suparna.

Paarvathi was doing penance towards Lord Shiva without partaking food, not even dry leaves.Thus She was named as aparna. All manifestations of Shakthi in the world in the gross form are known as suparna

Su kara dhrutha chaapa baanayai := Devi holds in Her beautiful hands the sugarcane bow and flower arrows.

Shobanakara manukonaayai :=Devi is the presiding deity of Sarva Sowbhaagya daayaka Chakra which consists of  fourteen triangles which give the following powers :=

01.Sarva samkshobhini:= Power to make everything restless.
02.Sarva vidvaavini := Power to destroy.
03.Sarvaakarshini := Power to attract all.
04.Sarvaahlaadini :=Power of conferring delight.
05.Sarvamohini := Power of confusing.
06.Sarvasthambini:= Power to sustain.
07.Sarvajrimbhini :=Power to expand.
08.Sarvavasankari :=Power to influence.
09.Sarvaranjani := Power to please
10.Sarvonmaadini :=Power to intoxicate.
11.Sarvaarthasaadake := Power to accomplish all aims.
12.Sarvasampatthipurani :=Power to fulfill.
13.Sarvamanthramayi := Power consisting of all manthraas.
14.Sarvadwandwakshayankari := Power to destroy duality

Madhyama kaalam: =

Sakunkumaadi lepanaayai charaacharaadi kalpanaayai := Devi is fully covered by the application of kunkuma etc. She is the creator of movable and immovable aspects of the universe. The world appearance is nothing but the play of the mind and the mind itself is the play of the omnipotent and all powerful Ambaal.

Chikuravijitha neela ganaayai chidaananda purnaganaayai :=Devi's black hair surpasses in beauty that of the clouds. She is laden with the repository of existence knowledge and bliss.

The audio version is available with "".under navaavarana krithis of Dikshithar.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Shri Kamalaambikayaa -- Shankaraabharanam -- Rupaka Thaalam

This is the third aavaranam on Goddess Kamalaamba by Shri Dikshithar. The raaga Shankaraabharanam is
mentioned in the Charanam. This composition denotes the Ashta dala Chakram which is known as Sarva SAmkshobana i.e the agitator of all..The presiding Deity is Thripura Sundari. Each petal in the Ashta dala
has a consonant that begins with Ka.
The agitations mentioned herein  are of the mind and signify attachment, detachment , withdrawal, indifference etc.
These types of mental disturbances  end only with self  knowledge. Dikshithar after attaining such knowledge
has composed this krithi and it is evident from the very Pallavi.

Shri Kamalaambikayaa  kataakshithoham sachchidaananda paripoorna Brahmaasmi :=

I have received the grace of Goddess Kamalaamba and I have become one with Existence, Knowledge and
Here Dikshithar explains his state as one who has reached complete peace and bliss and thereby is devoid of any mental agitations.

AnuPallavi :=

Paaka Shasanaadi sakala Devatha sevithayaa ;= The one who is worshipped by Indra the slayer of pakaasura, and by all other deities.

Pankajaasanaadi panchakrithyaa krith Bhaavithayaa := praised by the lotus seated one viz. Brahma and others i.e Vishnu, Rudra, Ishwara and Sadashiva who do the five actions viz. srshti (creation) sthithi ( protection) samhaara ( destruction) thirodana ( separating into indivisible components) and anugraha (assimilating into infinite bliss).

Madhyama Kaalam

Shoka hara chathura padayaa := Her feet deftly destroys grief.

Mooka mukhya vaak pradayaa := Mooka kavi or poet was endowed with the gift of speech by Dhevi.

Koka nada vijaya padayaa:= Her red lotus hued victorious feet.

Guruguha thathrai padayaa := embodiment of the three word manthra of Guruguha " thath thvam asi". (thou art that).


Ananga kusumaadh yashta shakthyaa kaarayaa := The eight yoginis are called ananga, formless, akin  to Manmatha, the god of love. They are ananga kusuma (flowers) mekala (girth) madana (delight) madanaathura (love) Rekha (lines or measure) vegini (energy) ankusa(restraint)

Aruna varna samkshobhana chakraakaarayaa := Ambaal is red-hued like dawn and shines in the Samkshobhana chakra.

Anantha kotyanda naayaka shankara naayikayaa := She is the consort of Lord Shiva who is the Lord of innumerable universes.

Ashta vargaathmaka guptha tharayaa varayaa:= ka, cha, ta, tha, pa, ra, ya, sha are the eight groups of alphabets used for beeja manthra worship in secrecy.

Madhyama Kaalam

Anangaath yupaasithayaa ashta dalaabja sthithayaa :=  She is worshipped by manmatha.  She is seated in the eight petalled lotus viz. sarva samkshobana chakra.

Dhanur baana dhara karayaa dayaa sudha saagarayaa := The one who wields the bow (sugarcane) and arrows (flowers) and who is the ocean of the nectar called mercy.

For the audio version please refer to under Navaavarana krithis.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kamalaambaam Bhajare -- Kalyani -- adi = The Second Aavarana.

Sarvaasha paripooraka chakra

The second Aavarana krithi of  Kamalaamba Navaavaranam deals with Sarvaashaa Paripuraka Chakra i.e
The Fulfiller of all desires.

In the first Aavarana it was indicated that by propitiating various Devathaas in the Thrilokya Mohana Chakra,
one can obtain various powers and siddhies which will create lot of agitations in one's mind. It is like a person
having violent efforts to fulfill his selfish ends runs towards a mirror puffing and panting and thereby misting the mirror which he wants to see. That is why only those with a restrained mind with their goal set for reaching the realized state will be able to proceed to the next Aavarana.

The second Aavarana is no better in inducing the aspirant to swerve from his chosen path. The Deities of this Chakra fulfill the aspirations thereby creating more and more cravings in the devotee's mind; such is the nature of Maya. However Dikshithar warns  in the very beginning of the krithi that all activities born of illusion should be given up.

Pallavi : =

Kamalaambaam bhajare re maanasa kalpitha maya kaaryam thyajare. :=  Oh ! mind! worship Kamalaamba leaving aside the illusory activities of your own creation.

Anu Pallavi :=

Kamala Vaani sevitha paarshwaam :=Kamalaamba is attended on either side by Lakshmi and Saraswathi.

The ninetyninth sloka in Soundarya Lahari says that the worshipper of Devi obtains knowledge and wealth
in such a way that Brahma and Vishnu feel jealous of him.

Kambu jaya greevaam natha devaam := The beauty of Devi's neck chides the conch. She is prostrated by the Devaas.

Kamalaapura sadanaam  mridu gadanaam kamaneeya radanaam kamala vadanaam := The one who has Kamalaapuram as Her residence, who is soft spoken with beautiful teeth and whose face is like a lotus.

Charanam :=

Sarvaasha pari puraka chakra swaamineem parama shiva kaamineem := Devi is the supreme Deity of Sarvaasha Pari puraka Chakra and She is the consort of Lord Shiva.

Sarva asha pari puraka chakra is located within the thrivalaya (three circles) in the form of sixteen petals. They fulfill all desires. The Yoginis of sixteen lotus petals are known as Aakarshinis--one with the power of attraction. They are known as Guptha Yoginis .They denote the five elements, five sense organs, five senses and the mind .

Durvaasaarchitha Guptha Yogineem Duhka Dhwamsineem Hamsineem := Sage Durvaasa worshiped Devi as Guptha Yogini who is the annihilator of sorrow and the one who represents the highest knowledge.

Nirvaana nija sukha pradaayineem nithya kalyaaneem kaathyaayaneem := The real happiness as a result of liberation is granted by Devi. She is ever auspicious and named kaathyaayani as the daughter of Sage Kaathyaayan.

Sharvaaneem madhupa  vijaya veneem, sad guruguha jananeem niranjaneem := The consort of Shiva, having beautiful hair surpassing the beauty of the black bees and the mother of noble Guruguha, who is a guileless entity.

Madhyama kaalam :=

Garvitha Bhandaasura bhanjaneem kaamaakarshinyaadi ranjaneem:= Annihilator of arrogant Bhandaasura and the sixteen kalas or arts are empowered and encouraged by Devi.

They are Kaamaakarshini (desire), Budhyaakarshini (intellect) Ahankaaraakarshini (ego) Shabdhaakarshini(sound) Sparshaakarshini (touch) Rupaakarshini (form) Rasaakarshini (taste) Gandhaakarshini (smell) Chithtaakashini (mind) Dhairyaakarshini (fortitude,valour) smrithyaakarshini (memory) Namaakarshini (name) Beejaakarshini (seed) Athmaakarshini (soul)Amruthaakarshini (immortality) Shareeraakarshini(body).

The story of Bhandaasura is recalled by Dikshithar in two words. When Manmatha was reduced to ashes,
by Lord Shiva, on Rathi devi's mercy plea he was brought to life by Brahma and Vishnu. On seeing this Shiva curses manmatha to turn into a demon named bhanda to worry Brahma and Vishnu.When the duo pleaded with Shiva for killing the demon, Shiva creates a sacrificial fire at Thiruvarur and Parvathi emanates from the fire and kills Bhandaasura..

Nirvisesha Chaithanya roopineem urvi thathvaadi swaroopineem := Devi represents the pure consciousness which is all pervading and She resides in the moolaadhaara as the serpant coiled kundalini establishing the earth principle.

As the mother of all creatures Devi symbolises the Mother Earth embracing every thing on earth; She looks after the creation, sustenance and dissolution , the three fold function of Tripura Sundari. She is the Mother of the world; Her love is supreme. She is constantly showering Her grace on Earth. She is taking care of all Her children and gives them the power to enquire with their minds, thus leading them kindly to the goal of being united with Her eternally.

The audio version of the song sung by smt.Rajeswari is available in under
Kamalaamba navaavaranam .

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The first Avaranam - Kamalamba samrakshathu maam -- Ananda Bhairavi -- thisra thriputa

Sri Chakram

In Hinduism worship consists of external and internal aspects of which the external worship consists of symbols as follows:=
1) Many images of deities are cast in human forms
2) By utterances of Sanskrit alphabets in the form of Manthraas in respect of each deity.
3) In tantric forms geometric representations are made and these are worshipped with Mudraas or hand gestures.

This is especially practised in Shakthi worship and Srichakra worship is foremost among them.
Srichakra is worshipped in the form of Shiva-Shakthi. There are nine triangles around a small circle in the centre called Bindu. The Bindu denotes the union of Shiva and Shakthi. Around the Bindu there are four upward triangles representing Lord Shiva, and five downward triangles representing Shakthi.
These nine triangles constitute the fundamental principles of the body, the microcosm and the universe, the macrocosm.

The elements in the body viz.bone, marrow, semen, prana and the jivathma denote the principle of  Shiva. Skin, blood, flesh, brain and bone form shakthi tatwa or principle.
On the cosmic front i.e in the universe, earth, water, fire, air and ether form Shakthi principle.Maya, knowledge, Maheshwara and Sadashiva relate to Shiva principle.

Thus Srichakra denotes both the combination of Shiva and Shakthi in both the microcosm the body and macrocosm the universe.
The triangles are surrounded by first a circle with eight lotus petals and another one with sixteen lotus petals.
Surrounding this are three lines of circles known as thrivalaya, and a rectangular enclosure of three lines Bhupura with entries on four sides.

Sri Kamalamba Navavaranam almost indicates the journey of self towards its realization. Symbolically each Avaranam is like a veil or sheath which has to be lifted and entered. Before reaching the inner core there are about eight  Avaranas to be crossed and the ninth Avaranam is the ultimate realisation of bliss.

As the Navavaranams are preceded by three dhyana kirthanas on Bala Ganapathy, Bala Muruga and
Sri Kamalamba for the successful completion of each avarana from the first to the ninth, the ninth Avarana is followed by a mangala kirthanam in Sri Ragam in a benedictory note for the  protection of the devotee.

Each Avaranam is composed by Dikshithar in a single case (vibhakthi) of sanskrit grammer i.e from prathama (first) to the sapthami (seventh) and the eighth Avarana is in sambodanam (addressing case). The ninth Avarana is composed in all the vibhakthis and in total there are eleven kirthanams in eleven ragas.

The Navavarana kirthanas truly reflect Sri Dikshithar's proficiency in sanskrit, his mastery of various ragas in carnatic music and his complete knowledge of Srichakra and its various Avaranas as a Srividya upasaka.

By singing these kirthanas with diction and devotion, with right musical notes one is said to have completed the navavarana puja.

Pallavi :=

Kamalaamba samrakshathu maam hridh kamala nagara nivaasini := May Kamalaamba protect me, She who is the one residing in the lotus town of my heart. Literally Thiruvarur is known as Kamala Nagara, but Dikshithar as a follower of Samayachara emphasises through his words that the attainment of self realization after traversing the nine sheaths viz. Avaranas starts right  from here, within our body.

Anu Pallavi :=

Sumanasaaraadhithaabja mukhi sundara mana priyakara sakhi := As the noble souls among the devotees worship Devi, Her countenance shows a lotus like exhilaration and She is the beloved companion of Lord Shiva, the most beautiful among gods.

Kamalajaananda bodha sukhi kantha thaara panjara shuki := Since kamalaja denotes Brahma, Devi revels in the blissfulness of sat, chit, ananda
(existence, knowledge, bliss) i.e Brahmaananda. She is further compared to the female parrot caught in the cage of pranava or omkaara. She is the one who is bound by the primordial sound of AUM. Pranava means "humming" the primal sound. This can be heard by each one of us through one's nervous system like a thousand vinas playing at a distance. it is a strong inner experience held by yogins with great reverence.

Charanam :=

Thrlokya Mohana Chakram

Thripuraadi chakreshwari aNimadi sidheeshwari := The chakra in the first aavarana is named Tripura. There are three lines in the square enclosures. It is also known as Bhupura.The outer line signifies the ten sidhdhies starting from anima.These are anima (atomicity); laghima(lightness); mahima(mightiness); ishithwa (power over others); vashithwa (attraction over others); prakaamya (taking the desired form); bhukthi (enjoyment of power); ichchaa ( will to accomplish desires); praapthi ( attainment); sarva kaama(power to fulfill desires). These are the powers one could obtain in the starting of Srichakra meditation. The real aspirant never craves for such powers and he moves on to the next step.
The middle line deals with "maatrukaas" the manthra associated deities.They are Brahmi, Maheshwari,
Kaumari,Vaishnavi, Vaaraahi, Mahendri,Chamundi, Mahalakshmi. The primary functions of these deities are presiding over the eight groups of letters comprising of sanskrit alphabet.

The third inner line represents the yoginis comprising of nine mudras (hand gestures) and the tenth one is thripura collectively presiding over these yoginis. The following are the centres  in the body with the respective deities and each deity is invoked with the respective mantra as well as hand gesture as part of puja.

Sarvasamkshobini = agitator of all.The other deities represent Sarva Vidraavani ( chasing, )  Sarvaakarshini  (attracting, ) Sarvasankari ( subjugating, ) Sarvonmaadini ( intoxicating,) Sarvamahaankushe ( restraining,)  Sarvakechari  (moving in space, ) Sarvabeeje ( seed of all,) Sarvayone ( ovum of all.) Sarvathrikande ( the thripartite of all ) They form the nine centres in the body and the tenth is the body comprising of all these. The deities are known as prakata yoginis.

Nitya kaameshwari := For ever the fulfiller of desires. Kamakoti periavaal says : In order that all our agitations are removed Ambaal holds the sugarcane bow and flower arrows in Her hand. We may recall that these are the weapons of Manmatha the God of Love. As Muka kavi says once the grace of Ambaal falls on a person he will not be tempted by the vilest of temptations as he will have balanced views on everything.

Kshithipura thrilokya mohana chakra varthini prakata yogini := After entering the bhupura, the three lined square enclosures through the portals, one comes across three circles which are known as thrivalaya (three circles). The space between the innermost line of bhupura and the outer most line of thrivalaya is known as Thrilokya Mohana Chakra. Crossing this chakra successfully without yielding to tem ptations is the pre-condition to proceed forward in the navaavarana. Here thrilokya mohana signifies the delusion in the three worlds, in the minds of people due to mental agitations.

Sura ripu  mahishasuraadi mardani nigama puraanadi samvedini:= Devi has annihilated demons like Mahishaasuraa, who are the enemies of Devas: She is  the one known through Vedas and Puranas.
Madhyama kaalam:=

Thripureshi guruguha janani := The deity of Thripura, Mother of Guruguha

Thripura Bhanjana Ranjani := The one who is pleasing to lord Shiva, who is the destroyer of the three worlds.

Madhu ripu sahodari talodari := The one who is the sister of Mahavishnu,the enemy of Madhu the demon.

The one with an abdomen as slender as the palm of a hand. Or we may say that in the adhaara chakraas Devi occupies the Manipuraka as Kameshwari.

Thripura sundari maheshwari := Enchanter of the three worlds,the supreme deity of all deities.

The audio version of this song rendered by Smt.S.Rajeshwari is available with under kamalamba navaavaranam.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009


This is the third dhyaana krithi of Sri Kamalamba navaavaranam. In this krithi Dikshithar describes the glorious features of Sri Kamalambika in order to bring the devotees in an apt condition to enter the first avarana. There are two sannidhies for Ambaal at Thiruvarur. The consort of Lord Shiva in Her glorious married state is known as Neelothpalaamba. Before the divine marriage, the attire of Ambaal in penance is known as Kamalambika. At Thiruvarur when one enters the North Tower, there is a separate temple on the western side wherein sits Ambaal in penance facing the northwest direction and this deity is known as Kamalambika.

Following the Kaadi matha Dikshithar became a Srichakra Upasaka and composed krithis for the nine chakras on Sri Kamalamba which are known as navavarana krithis. These krithis expound philasophical terms and their respective terms in manthra as well as thanthra in Devi upasana.

Kamalambike! asritha kalpa lathike! chandike! :=  kamalambike, for those who take refuge in you, you are like the karpaka creeper yielding their wishes and you are a fierce Goddess.( who annihilates the wicked).

Kamaneeya arunamsuke! kara vidrutha shuke! maamava  :=     Wearing a beautiful red garment and having a parrot in your hand, please protect me!

Anu Pallavi :=

Kamalasanadi pujitha  kamala pade! bahu varade !:= Your lotus feet are  worshipped by Brahma and others viz Vishnu, Shiva etc.and you are a bestower of many boons ( for your worshippers)

Kamalalaya theertha vaibhave! Shive! Karunaarnave!:= The one who glorifies the Kamalalaya tank by having Her abode on its banks, the auspicious one, and an ocean of mercy,  (in  removing the miseries of mankind).

Charanam :=

Sakala loka naayike! sangeetha rasike! :=    As the presiding deity of Srichakra, Ambaal, the Srichakra rajakumari wields all the worlds perceived realised and experienced by the jiva. She is a great connoisseur of Music. The highest and easiest form of worship is through music.That is the reason why we try to have at least  a glimpse of Dikshithar's navavarana krithis and their special significance.

Sukavithva pradaayike! sundari gatha maayike!:=   Proficiency in poesy is easy of access to those of poets who worship kamalambika and Devi is a bestower of such knowledge. She is beautiful and devoid of illusions or maya and represents the pure consciousness.

Vikalebhara mukthi daana nipune! agha harane!:= She is an expert in granting videha mukthi i.e attaining moksha at the end of one's life. Her nearness removes one's ego in this very life.

Viyadaadi bhutha kirane! vinoda charane ! arune! := Devi shines beautifully like the rising sun and Her rays, light red in colour radiates and permeates this world and the five elements as the primordial cause; Her enchantingly red-hued feet like lotus have a unique feature. Unlike the other gods and goddesses Devi does not show Her abhaya mudra through Her hands because all the powers of  abhaya varada are contained in Her lotus feet. A person who meditates on Devi resplendant with red hued rays around  would never get back to the wheel of birth and death.

Madhyama kala sahithyam:=

Sakale! guruguha karane! sada shivanthah karane !:= Whatever we perceive and contemplate and whatever is beyond our perception and contemplation, everything is the swarupa of Devi. As Bharathi the tamil poet says, yaadumaagi nindraay, She stands as everything before us.She is the mother of the Great Guruguha, She is the core consciousness of Shiva. Shakthi and Easwara both are intertwined as the fragrance and flower; nectar and its sweetnes and light; that they cannot be separated.

aa ka cha ta tha pa adi varne! akandaika rasa purne!:=  aa, ka,cha,ta,tha,pa etc. are the first letters of the Maathruka manthras of the vasini devathaas of the sarva roga hara chakra in srichakra which we will be dealing with, in due course, as we deal with the seventh aavarana kirthanai. Ambaal  is surrounded by vaag devathaas and She is the one as the essence of  unlimited bliss.

In this krithi Dikshithar contemplates on Kamalamba by invoking Her various divine attributes.

The audio version of this krithi as beautifully rendered by smt.S.Rajeshwari is available in the blog
arvindsdadblogspot .com under navaavarana krithis.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sri Balasubrahmanyam bhajeham-suratti-adi

This is the second dhyana krihi of Sri Kamalamba navavaranam on Lord Subrahmanya which relates to the shrine of Balamuruga on the banks of kamalalaya. Worshipping first Ganesa and Muruga in their childhood attire is supposed to give immense pleasure to Sri Kamalambika.
Before one enters the navavaranam, reciting this krithi is said to bestow upon the devotees, the fulfillment of their desires including the desire to have a progeny.


Balasubrahmanyam bhajeham, bhaktha kalpa bhuruham sri:= I worship sri balasubrahmanya who is like a kalpaka tree in granting the wishes of His devotees.
Anu Pallavi:=

Neelakanta hrudaanandakaram:= He who delights the heart of Neelakanta, Lord Shiva.

Nithya shuktha bhuktha mukthaambaram:= He is the ever pure consciousness which is a liberated Being.


Velaayudhadharam sundaram : = He is the wielder of spear. The spear was given to Lord Muruga by His mother Parvathi at the time of Surasamhaara which is supposed to be His most
powerful weapon. He is most beautiful in attire and His name Muruga implies that.

Vedanthaartha bodha chaturam := He is adept in the knowledge of vedaantha Saaram

Paalaaksha Guruguhaavathaaram : = The birth of Skanda took place for the annihilation
of the two demons viz. Tharakaasura and Soorapadma. As Shiva fell in love with Parvathi, the sparks of the fiery seed of Shiva from His third eye in His forehead was carried by the current of the Ganges into the saravana forest wherein the saravana lake received the six divine sparks in the form of six babies. These babies were tendered byKarthika damsels.Ultimately Parvathi made them into a single baby with six heads and called the baby Shanmuga.Another important task of Lord Muruga was imparting the meaning of Pranava Mantra to His father Lord Shiva. Thus He acquired the name Guruguha.

Parasakthi sukumaaram dheeram := He is the beautiful and valiant son of Parasakthi.

Madhyama kaalam:=

Paalitha girvanadi samooham := Protector of celestial beings viz. devas.

Pancha bhootha maya maayaa moham := Lord Muruga represents the cosmic

consciousness which alone exists for ever. There are no created beings or worlds with their

sentient and insentient aspects in it. The appearance of the worlds and the beings in them is

nothing but the reflection of the Pure Consciousness in itself. It is nothing short of a dream.

When true wisdom dawns, this unreal appearance vanishes. The five elements are the seed;the

world is a tree. The consciousness is the seed; the five elements are the tree. The seed and fruit

are one and the same. Likewise the world and the cosmic consciousness is one and the same.

This maya or illusion is the play of Lord Muruga.

Neela kanta vaaham su deham := He has the blue-necked peacock as His vehicle and has a

beautiful body.

Nirathisayaananda pravaaham := He symbolizes the wonderful and streaming

blissfulness which is the result of self realisation.

The audio version of this krithi is available in the blog under navaavarana krithis.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

shri maha gaNapathiravathumaam - gaula - thisra thriputa

Before proceeding to Shri Kamalaamba navavaranam one has to meditate on three deities, viz.
BalagaNapathi, BalasubrahmaNyar and Kamalaambika. These deities have their shrines at Thiruvarur Thyagaraja swamy temple which is surrounded by a lake called Kamalalaya.

The krithi on Lord GaNapathy was composed by Dikshithar in the Gaula raga which is a gana raaga.

No work is started without Ganapathi vandana. Even a visit to a temple at first starts with worship of Lord Ganapathi.

ShrimahagaNapathiravathu maam, siddhi vinaayako Mathanga mukha:= Let ShrimahagaNapathi protect me. He who is the giver of success in all endeavours is a leader who has no parellel viz. vinayaka and he is the elephant faced god.

Anu Pallavi: =

Kaama janaka vidhindra sannutha kamalaalaya thata nivaaso:=Mahavishnu,the father of manmatha,Brahma and Indra extol the glory of GaNapathy whose shrine is on the banks of Lake kamalalaya in Thiruvarur.

Komalathara pallava padayuga guruguhaagraja shivaathmaja:=The child Ganapathy's feet are tender and He is the brother of child Muruga, and son of Lord Shiva.


SuvarNaakarshaNa vigna raajo,Paadaambhujo, gaura varNa vasana dharo, paala chandro:=
He is attractive like gold,He is the remover of all impediments, His feet are like lotus, He wears white dress, His forehead is like the phase of the moon.

Naraadi vinutha lambhodaro:= worshipped by human beings as well as all creatures and having a great belly which is symbolic of the entire world and its denizens.

Kuvalaya swa vishaaNa paasaankusa modako:= Who has in His hands a lily, a broken tusk of His own (which helped Him to write the Mahabharatha as narrated by Bhagavan Vyasa) rope, goad and modaka (His favourite sweetmeat)

Prakaasakaro bhava jaladhi naavo := The one who enlightens the jeeva to navigate the ocean of samsaara.

Moola prakrithi swabhaavas sukhatharo:= His nature is that of primordial one which bestows bliss as athmanubhava for every being. When we contemplate on the entire creation, we are overwhelmed at the natural order of things and sequences. It is this order which determines
the characteristics of objects and beings animate as well as inanimate.

These characteristics are subject to the laws of limitation in the physical and mental plane. Lord Ganesa sitting as moolaadhaara murthi in the form of pure consciousness in every being bears witness to this drama of creation with His blissful nature.

Madhyama kala:=

Ravi sahasra sannibha deho,kavi jananutha mooshika vaho:= His body shines like a thousand suns, He is worshipped by the wise people, He has the mouse as his vehicle which can be compared to the mind. In a human body the mind which is unseen could move much faster
than the visible big part viz.tummy.

Avanatha devatha samooho avinaasha kaivalya geho:=worshipped by the hosts of celestial beings and He is the abode of blissfulness.

The audio version of this song is available under Navavarana krithis in

Friday, July 10, 2009

sri guruguha murthe - udayaravichandrika - rupakam

Thiruththani tank

This is the eighth vibhakthi krithi on Lord Subrahmanya by sri Dikshithar .The first one invoked the Lord's blessings for the auspicious completion of this group krithis on Lord Muruga and after
completion of the same, in this krithi Dikshithar sings victory to the Lord for His sterling attributes
as a matter of thanksgiving.


Shri Guruguha Murthe chitshakthispurthe jaya:= Here Lord Guruguha is addressed as fulfiller of chit shakthi. Chit shakthi is the power of consciousness or subjectivity and identifies with the unmanifested absolute.This is opposite to maya shakthi which is the power of consciousness and objectivity which identifies with the world, the manifestation of absolute.Victory unto you!
Sishya janaavana keerthe sumuhurthe jaya:= Renowned for protecting the disciples, considered auspicious, victory unto you!


Yogini hrudaya prakasa chitta vrutthe:= The yogini hrudaya belongs to what is known as kadi line of shri vidya. Kadi means the letter ka etc. and refers to the fifteen lettered mantra.The well known Shri yantra is considered to be one with the manthra and with the devatha known as shri maha thripura sundari. Guruguha enlightens this concept.

Yugapad mogha yoga pradaana nipuna shakte:= Unsurpassed in giving at a time objective pleasures or subjective spiritual pursuits

Aagama rahasya thathvaanusanthaana yukthe:= The one who is skilled in observing the secrets of the aagamas.

Aanandaanurakthe athi virakthe jaya jaya:= blissfully loving and very detached at the same time,victory unto you!

Aathmeswara jeeva bhedaavarana nvrutte:= In the navaavarana the fifth avarana speaks about the imaginary distinction about jeeva and Easwara. The individualised consciousness itself is known as the jiva or individual soul, when the potentialities are in the extremely subtle state. When all this play of jiva ceases, that itself shines as the supreme self. The Lord takes jiva
to this nvrutti marga.(spiritual)

Aasritha sishyaanugraha kaarana pravrutte:= One who bestows His grace on His devoted desciples in an ever increasing way.

Aathma thatvaadi shodana saadana sampathte:=The One who bestows the tools of realising the self.

Aaraktha swetha misra charana pravruthte:= His lotus feet abound in the hue of mixture of red and white indicating the confluence of Shiva's white hue with Parvathi's reddish hue.

Aathma koti bhakthe anaadi maayothpathte:= The One with the loyal devotees of innumerable number and the One who generates the maya called the universe which is but a long dream.The ego sense and also the fancy that there are others are as real as dream objects.

Aathmanubhava saara santhrupthe nirmukthe:=Completely satisfied with the essence of self realisation and thereby completely freed from worldly attachments.

Madhyama kalam:=
Aathmodaya ravi chandrika sandeeptha:=With His all pervading self He enlightens the rising Sun and the Moon.

Paramaathma shri Chidaananda Natha namasthe jaya jaya:=The all pervading Supreme Self Shri Chidaananda Natha, Lord Subrahmanya, victory unto you!

The audio version of this song is available,as sung by smt.Vijayalakshmi. in

Friday, June 12, 2009

Guruguhaswamini - Bhanumathi - khanda thriputa

This is the seventh(Sapthami) vibhakthi krithi of Lord Subrahmanya at thiruthani composed by Sri Muthuswami Dikshithar.


Guruguhaswamini Bhakthim karomi:= I am devoted to Lord Guruguha.

Nirupama sve mahimni para dhaamni:= Because He is unparalleled in His glory; He is unparalleled in the supreme state.


Karunaakara chidaananda naathaathmani:= Lord Guruguha ,with His wealth of compassion resides in the cave of heart for each soul as personification of knowledge, tranquility and supreme peace.

Kara charaNadi avayava pariNamathmani:= Unlike the seed that creates the tree, brahman creates the world without destroying itself. Brahman is a nameless and formless being. In every atom there are countless world appearances. Time, space motion and matter are all different aspects of a single infinite consciousness. Only when the truth is perceived these appearances which are illusory will vanish and sarvam brahma mayam will be experienced. Until then Guruguha with His divine form with hands and feet appears for our worship.

Tharunollaasadi pujitha swaathmani:= Parasurama kalpa sutra speak about five stages for the yoga sadhaka which are as follows: Aarambha(beginning), taruna (youthful) yavvana (adolescent) praudha (mature), praudhantha(end of maturity) The sadhaka should practise samayacharya and when the sixth state of mindlessness is achieved all the restrictions are removed. Here Dikshithar says he worships Guruguha of such highest achievement.

Dharanyaadyakila thathvaatheethathmani :=The tatvas are the properties of human body and there are about ninety six of them. The Earth tatva comes under the heading Pancha bhuta and Guruguha is beyond these tatvas.


Nijarupa jitha paavakendu bhanumathi:= The One Who outshines fire, moon, and the sun

Nirathisayaanande hamso viramathi:= Who revels in the blissful state of paramahamsas.

Aja sikshana rakshana vichakshana sumathi:= The One Who punished as well as protected Brahma the intelligent.

Hari Hayadi devatha gana pranamathi:= Worshipped by gods such as Hari and Shiva.

Madhyama kala:=

Yajanaadi karma niratha bhusura hithe:= The One who is dear to the brahmanas who perform sacrifices.

Yama niyamaadi ashtaanga yoga vihithe:= There are six systems constituting the vedic philosophy and Patanjali yoga is one of them. It is called Ashtanga yoga, yoga of eight parts or limbs.These are 1) restraint 2) observance 3) posture 4) breath control 5) sense withdrawal 6) concentration 7) meditative absorption 8) ecstasy(standing inside of).
The first two relate to yama and niyama.

Vijayavalli Devasena sahithe:= The victorious one with Valli and Devasena.

Veeraadi sannuthe vikalpa rahithe:=The One adored by bravehearts and the One Who is formless and thereby incomprehensible.

The audio link of this song as rendered by smt.R.Vedavalli is available in under Dikshithar krithis.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Guruguhasya daasoham - ragam Purvi - Thalam Misra chapu.

Thiruththani temple at present

This is the sixth vibhakthi krithi composed by Sri Dikshithar on Lord Muruga of Thiruthtani.


Shri Guruguhasya daasoham:= Dikshithar boldly declares " I am a slave of Sri Guruguha. Dikshithar justifies this statement by bringing out the glories of Guruguha in the entire song.

No cheth chit guruguha ekaaham:=  Otherwise I am one with Him in my mind.

Anu Pallavi:=

Bhoga Mokshaathmaka charaNasya:= His feet are capable of granting enjoyment as well as liberation

Bhupuraadi navavaraNasya:= The first avarana is known as Bhupura and the chakra is thrilokya mohana, enchanter of the three worlds. Mother Goddess Kamalamba is the mother of Guruguha. She is thripurasundari, whose beauty has no parallel in the three worlds.
The srichakra puja proceeds from the outer first avarana to the bindu in the ninth avarana and Dikshithar considers Guruguha as the Paramaathma who envelops all this.

Yogi brindhaantha:karaNasya:=The one who dwells in the heart of yogins

Yoga peetadhikaraNasya:= The one who is in the chief position of all yoga peetas.


Sanakaadi purvika munigana sannuthaananda vigrahasya:= There is a story about the saints. Sanakaadis in the eleventh canto of Srimad Bhagavatham. Lord Brahma sent His sons, Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanathana and Sanathkumara who were born out of His mind, to different directions to procreate in order to help the process of creation. They were enlightened souls who took a vow to remain as five year old celebates and brahmacharins in the service of God. When they wanted to learn about the thathva behind Radha-krishna leela, Hamsa bhagavan incarnated and explained to them and ultimately the Sanakadis incarnated as sakhis of Bhagavan. Guruguha exalted the happiness of Sanakadis by being with them.

Vanaja bhavaadi sakala sumano vaanchi thaarthaanugrahasya:= Fulfills the wishes of all good people like Brahma.

Janana layaadi rupa prapancha agnaana karya nigrahasya:= In this created world of name and form the agnaana or ignorance is to think that it is real. The moment the unreality of the existence of the objective world is realised as the blueness of the sky is unreal, the Lord is realised. Lord Guruguha destroys this ignorance.

Manana, dhyana, samaadhir nishta mahaanubhava hrudgrhasya:= One who grasps and reflects upon the purports of scriptures attains unfathomable wisdom,firm conviction and un perturbable coolness of spirit. Guruguha resides in the abodes of hearts of such mahaanubhavaas.

Madhyama kalam:=

Dinakara koti vibhaswarasya:= Guruguha resplendent with the shine of one crore suns.

Tejomaya jagadeeshwarasya:= Guruguha is the light in which the self and the world shine.

Janaranjanakarasya varasya:= ( By dispelling the ignorance) Guruguha bestows the boon of blissful existence to the people.

Sarvasmaath parasya harasya:= For all of us Guruguha is the giver and taker of everything.

This song as rendered by Smt.vijayalakshmi is available in under Dikshithar krithis

Monday, June 1, 2009

Guruguhaadanyam na jaaneham - balahamsa ragam - jhampa thalam

Fifth vibhakthi krithi on Lord Subrahmanya at Tiruttani by Dikshithar.


Guruguhaadanyam na jaaneham:= I do not know anyone else other than Guruguha
(Of possesing the following attribute)

Gupthaagamaartha thathva prabhodhino:= With the great awakening of the philosophy and meaning of the agamas held in secret, Shakthi is known as thripura. Literally it means three cities. They are the states of wakeful, dream and deep sleep. The under current of consciousness in all of them which remains unaffected is metaphorically called Shri thripura. By giving the feminine concept of thripura, the care of loving mother for her created offsprings is established. The interest in thripura creates the zeal for knowing the Truth. This study is the essence of the study of all agamaas viz. vedic, vaishnava, shaiva, shaktha,and Pasupatha.


Arunodayaananda koti brahmaandaakaara shivaadi dharaantha thathva swaroopiNo:= Embodying the shiva, vishnu thathvas He is resplendant like sunrise in crores of universes at a time.


Sahasra dala sarasija madhya nivaasino:=The atman the self in the form of Guruguha resides in the Sahasraara chakra which is above the head and known as the thousand petalled lotus.

Sakala chandra bhaskara teja prakaasino:= He is shining as all the moons and suns in the crores of universes put together.

Sahajaananda sthita daasa visvaasino:= The entire creation is like a stage on which each created being or matter exhibits certain characteristics of own and play their roles as per a natural order portraying various moods and which produces and removes various seasons accompanied by celestial music and roaring of the oceans.The stage is illuminated by the sun, moon and the stars, with its actors and actresses as living beings in all the worlds.These denizens of universe enjoying the bliss of the natural order stand in awe-stricken loyalty to Guruguha.The Lord is the silent witness to this cosmic dance.

Sacchith sukhaathmaka visva vilaasino:= The infinite consciousness is omnipresent and it is without beginning and end. It is pure , unmodified, undifferentiated being. It is known as existence, knowledge and bliss. The very same infinite consciousness fancied to create this universe with its vivid sentient beings and insentient matter.

Madhyama kaalam:=

Aharaha:prabhala hamsa prakaasaathmano:= In Srividya Shiva is known as prakaasa and Shakthi is called vimarsa i.e the opposite of prakaasa in the sense that it denotes reasoning due to the existence of doubts. Prakaasa is represented as 'ha' and vimarsa is represented as
'sa'. The principle that joins shiva kala 'ha' and shakthi kala 'sa' is called MUKHA AKSHARA
which is denoted by bindu (.) Therefore prakasa-bindu-vimarsa all the three combined becomes

The chinmudra is the symbolic representation that jiva is shiva or prakasa swarupa.The thumb
in chin mudra stands for prakasa thathva and the index finger denotes jiva in thuria avastha.
When they both join they indicate both are one. Rest of the three fingers are separated to show that the three avasthas viz. jaagra, swapna, sushupthi. The jiva crossing these three stages becomes united with prakasa thathva in thuria avastha.Day in and day out Guruguha enlightens the liberated jivas of this thathva.

Dahara vidya pradaayaka paramaathmano:= In the eighth chapter of Chaandogya upanishad, Dahara vidya is termed as a meditation technique of concentrating in the cave of the heart about Brahman.The upanishads are the direct instructions of Paramaathma. Thus Guruguha is called by Dikshithar as the Paramathma offering dahara vidya.

JahadajahallakshaNaya jeevaikyaathmano:= What is jahallakshaNa? When we look at a statement that there is a village on the Ganges, the river Ganges (the primary meaning) is replaced by the idea that the village is on the banks of the Ganges.

Ajahallakshana:= When we say the spears are coming, we mean an army with spears are coming. Here the primary cause is retained.

Jahadajahallakshana:= When we say, the boy is a lion, we attribute the partial secondary nature of lion may be its power, strength or valour leaving other animal attributes.
Dikshithar praises the lord Guruguha as representing the oneness of jiva with Himself on the basis of Jahadajahallakshana.

Raha:pujitha chidananda nathaathmano:= As mentioned earlier Guruguha is the Paramathma offering dahara vidya in the cave of His heart in secret and enjoyer of self as the Lord of the mind full of bliss.

This krithi as rendered beautifully by Sri.R.Suryaprakash is available in under the heading Dikshithar krithis.The blog further contains a treatise on the raga balahamsa.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Guruguhaaya - Ragam sama - Thalam - adi

Theppam at Thiruththani

This is the fourth vibhakthi krithi of Dikshithar on Lord Subrahmanya, the presiding deity of the
temple at ThiruttaNi.


Guruguhaaya bhakthaanugrahaaya kumaaraaya namo namasthe:=I prostrate again and again Lord Guruguha who readily fulfils the prayers of His devotees and who is famous for His youthful form.


Guruguhaaya bhakthaanugrahaaya gunaatheethaaya ruparahithaaya:= Guruguha the great preceptor who is the benefactor of the devotees has transcended the three gunas,viz. sathva, rajas,and thamas as He is the Paramaathma. He is formless. He is pure consciousness.

Hari hara virinchi rupaaya,Sachidaananda swaroopaaya shivaaya:=He manifests in the forms of Hari, Hara and Brahma. His nature is sat, chit, Aananda. He is ever auspicious.


Sakala agama manthra saaragnaaya:= He knows the purport of all aagamaas and manthraas.

Sat sampradaaya sarvagnaaya:= He is well versed in the path of righteousness.

Sakala nishkala prakaasakaaya:= He is manifest in the world as many, sentient and insentient and He is the pure consciousness on which the world is superimposed.

Saamarasya sampradaayakaaya:= The union of shakthi tathva with sadaashiva tathva leads to the blissful experince of the samara saadaakya sampradaya which is possible only when the kundalini shakthi reaches sahasraara chakra. Guruguha is the bestower of such experience to the saadhaka.

Madhyama kaala:=

Vikalebhara kaivalya daanaya:= Guruguha is the giver of videha mukthi for the sadakaas or aspirants who have become jeevanmukthaas. As a srividya upasaka Dikshithar experienced this.

Vikalpaheenaya vignaanaaya:= When one realizes the pure consciousness stage all the confusions regarding the world and ego vanish whereas Guruguha's very nature is that.

Shukha vaamadeva vanditha padaaya:=Sage Shukha is known as sukhabrahmam. There is a story extolling the nature of shukha. Once, when he was passing a river wherein young girls were bathing, even though the girls noticed him they never felt shy about his presence. Afterwards when Vyasa Bhagavan was passing by the same river the girls felt shy and searched for their clothes. When enquired by Vyasa the girls said sage shukha perceived the world as brahman and for him every thing was brahman. The unsullied notion of shukha was felt by the girls and they did not feel as though they were in the presence of a male member. Vamadeva,according to skanda purana was directly instructed by Guruguha on the secret of pranava manthra as the Lord was pleased with his sadhana in his search for brahman.

Shukha vamadeva mukthi pradaaya:= Guruguha bestowed mukthi on Shukha and Vamadeva. 

The audio version of the above krithi as rendered by smt.Nithyasri is available in under dikshithar krithis.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

shri GuruNaa paalithosmi-raga-paadi-rupakam

This is the third vibhakthi krithi composed by dikshithar on Lord Subrahmanya at Thiruttani.
The krithi abounds in various philosophical terms depicting glimpses of Dikshithar's athmanubhava.
Shri guruNaa paalithosmi Sacchidaananda naathena:= The word shri has the same meaning as shiva.i.e auspicious.This auspiciousness does not depend on any external factors.It is self- effulgent
and thereby perfect and completely blissful. I am protected by such auspicious Guru who is sacchidaananda naatha. Here Dikshithar refers to Lord Guruguha who has taught Pranava manthra to Lord Shiva and who is the living principle of existence knowledge and bliss.
Aagamaadi sannuthena:= Aagamas are the ritual aspects of the vedas.The one who is praised by the aagamas.
akhila viswa vandithena:= The one propitiated by all the sentient and insentient creatures and animate and inanimate objects.
Thiagaraja vibhaathena:= The one whose resplendence was caused by Thiagaraja.
Thaapa thrayaatheethena:= The one who is beyond thaapa thraya i.e. mental pains caused by
adhyaathmika viz.bodily and mental pains, adibhuthika viz. caused by external factors like men,
beast, reptiles, animate and inanimate objects and adhi dhaivika viz. planetary influence evil spirits etc.
Vedaanthartha vedyena:= The very aim of vedantha is realisation of brahman.Here the very brahman is Guruguha who symbolises the oneness of the knowledge and the knower.
Vikalpa roga vaidyena:= The confusion in the mind of sadhaka is considered a disease and Guruguha is the doctor who cures the disease.
Naadaamritha supaadhyena:=whose sacred feet are washed by the nector of nada.Mahaanubhaavas like dikshithar compose music by way of melodious krithis on the glories of gods and these songs sung with great devotion provides the nadaamirtha.
Navanaathenaadhyena:=In the beginning through nine energy resources,the world was created.
what are they?
They are sound,air,fire,water, and the composition of all these.They are the cycles of whole creation.In the cycle of creation the steps of the creation are called nava nathaas.The chain of
various elements of the cosmos make up the whole of the universe in the following manner.
The sky is made from sound;the wind is made from sky;the fire is made fromwind;the water is made from fire;and the earth is made from water.
Sadaakhya kala kareNa:=The one who forms the Saadaakhya kala.Dikshithar explains the samaya worship which is a pure internal worship without any external rituals.They believe in realizing four kinds of identities
1) Identifying the six chakraas beginning with Muladhara and the six koNas or angles of Srichakra beginning with trikona.
2)Quadrilateral in which Bindu is located in the Srichakra with the middle of the thousand petalled lotus.
3) Identity between bindu and Shiva.
4) Totality of the Srichakra identifying with fifteen letters of Panchadasaakshari Mantra or
Sri mahatripurasundari standing for her fifteen kalaas.
It is said,that by meditating on these identities the aspirant's mind gets absorbed in Saadaakhya kala.
Sadaashivaavatharena:= The incarnation of ever auspicious parameshwara.
Nadantha vihaareNa:= Nada means sound and antha means essence or inside. Our minds become absorbed in sound and we listen to music of our choice.There are external and internal sounds called in sanskrit as Ahat and Anahat,struck and unstruck sounds.Yogis maintain that the seat of the self is the heart chakra or Anahatha chakra.This is the place from which unstruck sounds originate.During meditation the inner sounds can be heard and this is considered by many as due to the rising of kundalini shakthi.Therefore nadaantha vihaarena is the rising of Anahatha as this is caused by Parameswara who actually plays in bliss in sahasraara after crossing the six chakras from muladhara viz.swadishtana,manipura,anahatha,visuddi,ajna.
Navachakraadhaarena:= Srichakram consists of nine triangles.Five downward triangles known as shakthi chakras and four upward triangles known as shiva chakras.
As per Samayaachaara the centre triangle is drawn upward. These nine chakras indicate the
fundamental basis for the world or universe known as Brahmaanda and the body known as Pindaanda.They are known as the basic elements which comprise of bone marrow ,shukla or semen prana and jiva as shivaamsa and skin,blood, flesh,brain and bone termed as shakthi amsa
It is also said that the Pancha bhuthaas,fire,water,air and ether are known as shakthi amsa and maya,shuddha vidya,maheswara and sadashiva are shivaamsa.The substratum for all the above is the pure consciousness and this is attributed to Lord Guruguha.
Paadaambhujena pareNa:=The supreme one with feet like lotus.
Bhedaadi vidaareNa:= The One who removes discrimination.The fact that nothing has ever been created at any time and nothing comes to an end either.The absolute Brahman is manifest in all beings, sentient and insentient. This is the unborn, ever existing supreme peace. Even in every
atom there are worlds within worlds.The moment one renounces the notions of I and the world
he experiences the bliss of infinite consciousness and liberated from births and deaths.
Adi guruguha vareNa:=The guha who is the first Guru the most distinguished one.
Kadi mathaanusaareNa:=The One who followed Kadi matha.The explanation for this is already
given in the krithi "shri naathaadi".
The audio version of this song as rendered by smt.vijayalakshmi is available with under Dikshithar krithis.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Manasa guruguha roopam-rupaka thaalam-aananda bhairavi

This is the second vibhakthi krithi on Lord Muruga composed by dikshithar at tiruthani.
Maanasa guruguha roopam Bhaja re re := Oh mind, meditate on the form of guruguha and
Maayaa maya hrid thaapam thyaja re re := Cast off the sorrows created by delusion.
The raaga aananda bhairavi is aptly applied to this composition by dikshithar as it always leaves the listener with divine peace eliminating all the agitations from one's mind.
What is the delusion ?
What is seen here as human beings including you me, they,etc. are only apparitions.In reality they do not exist.Nothing has been created.Only the supreme paramaathma exists.The rest are illusions
of forms and names.Leave this.
If this ignorance or sorrow of delusion is not overcome it gives rise to interminable sufferings not only in this birth but also in the countless lifetimes to come.
Anu Pallavi:
Maanava janmani sampraapthe sathi paramaathmani nirathisaya sukham vraja re re :=
Having achieved human birth seek to obtain unsurpassed bliss in Paramaathma and avoid the mundane pleasures.
There is only one way to remove the ignorance i.e the conviction to renounce the cravings for sense pleasures.By doing this mind is cleansed of its agitations.Now it is fit to turn towards Paramaathma. For what purpose?
In order to obtain nirathisaya sukham which is unsurpassed bliss and which is not available
otherwise elsewhere.
Sathva guNopaathi sahitha sadaashivam:= Lord Shiva depicting the everlasting happiness
by His very name Sadaashiva accompanied by sattva guna or saatvic qualities.
Sva avidya sametha jeevodbhavam tathvam thaamasa yutha viswa vaibhavam:=All living things are born out of Him owing to their ignorance.The universe with its thaamasic qualities is again the manifestation of His greatness.
Thought and mind are one and the same.If thoughts are completely removed what is left out is none other than pure consciousness.The thoughts are nothing but the perception of the external world consisting of nama and roopa.In short experience is another name for the mind.
The world is entirely pervaded by pure consciousness including every atom there in.
Supposing we perceive a gold ornament and if we are immediately conscious of the gold in it and realise that the gold and the ornament are one and the same the object and subject become one.
The same rule applies to the perceived world.We realise the presence of pure consciousness
all around and we cease to be affected by love and hate likes and dislikes etc. and an ever lasting
peace dwells in our hearts.
Tharakeswaram Aananda bhairavam:=The one who annihilated Tharakaasura and the Bhairava
the annihilator brimming with eternal bliss.Here dikshithar merges Guruguha and Sadaashiva as one confirming the above philosophy.
Madhyama kaalam:
Nathwa sri guru charanam krthvaa naamasmaranam jithwa mohaavaranam mathwa thvadeka
saranam:=Prostrate at the feet of guru.repeat the bhagavan nama in the mind win over the cravings of the mind and surrender to Him as the only refuge.
This song's audio version available under dikshithar krithis in the blog"
as rendered beautifully by smt.Bombay Jayashree.

Friday, April 10, 2009

shri naathaadi guruguho jayathi- 3 (adi thaalam)

Maaya maya vishvaadhishtaano:=He is in the universe which is full of illusions(e.g. the blue
Maathmaka kaadi mathaanushtaano:=Who is the basis of kaadi vidya.There are many versions of Sri Vidya manthras.The manthra beginning with"ka" is called kaadi manthra.After accomplishing kaadi vidya ..a person shall not be affected by change of seasons, would not feel the differnce between sitting on snow or fire.
Maalini mandalaantha vidhaano:=maalini in this context denotes Gayathri.Who has ordained the role of Surya Mandala.. with its varied planets and stars.
Manthraadya japaa hamsa dhyaano:=He is the dhyaanamurthi of all manthra japa and Hamsa.
There is a manthra japa "soham".If this word is continually repeated it sounds "hamsa".
Mayaa kaarya kalana heeno :=He vibrates as pure consciousness and creates the illusory world.
Maamaka sahasra kamalaaseeno:=Who sits on my sahasraara chakra.There are six chakras in ourbody on the path of Sushumnaa starting from Mulaadhara of which the last is sahasrara.
the thousand petalled one.Here Dikshithar has expressed his aathmaanubhava.
Maadhurya gaanaamritha paano:=One who drinks the nectar of sweet music.
Maadhavaadhyabhaya vara pradaano:=Given refuge to gods like Maadhava and others.
Maaya sabhalitha Brahma rupo:=The brahma swaroopa or the pure consciousness in every
jiva is veiled by the veil of maaya.
Maarakoti Sundara swaroopo:=One who has a beautiful form like crores of forms of manmatha
put together.
Mathimathaam hridaya gopura deepo:=He shines like a lamp on a tower in the hearts of His
Mattha sooraadi jayaprathaapo:= Who conquered the proud Soorapadma and other demons.
Madhyama kaala:
Mayaamaalava gaulaadi desa mahipathi pujitha pada pradesa:=His abode is worshipped by
kings of Bihar,Bengal and Orissa.
Madhavaadhyamara brindha prakaasa:=He shines surrounded by Maadhava and other devas.
Mahesasya mahaarthopadesa :=He expounded Pranava to Lord Shiva.
This krithi is available as rendered by Sri T.M.Krishna in "you tube".

Thursday, April 9, 2009

shri Nathaadi guruguho Jayathi.-2 (aadi thaalam)

Nana prapancha vichithra karo:=He is the creator of different and varied worlds.
Naama rupa pancha bhuthaa karo: =Creator of combinations of five elements there by
giving name and form.
AgNana dwantha prachanda Bhaskaro:= He is the powerful Sun dispelling the darkness of
GNana pradaayako Maheshwaro := He is the bestower of Enlightenment and the God of Gods.
Madhyama kaala:.
Dheenaavanodhyuktha divyatharo:= He is the kalpa tree showering the required things for the
Divyowgaadi sakala deha dharo:=He bears on His person the streaming divine rivers such as Ganges Mandaakini Saraswathi, Yamuna etc.
Maanasaanandakara chathura tharo:=He is clever in making the hearts of His devotees happy.
Madguruvaro mangalam karothu.:=He is my most accomplished Teacher and let Him bless with auspiciousness.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shri Nathaadi Guruguho Jayathi.(aadi thaalam) 1

Dikshithar composed this krithi at ThiruthaNi. This is the first krithi which was created effortlessly and at the same time with full of philosophical epithets by Dikshithar with the grace
of Lord Muruga. It is said when Dikshithar reached ThiruthaNi an aged person dropped a sugar candy into his mouth as he was meditating on Lord Muruga and this krithi streamed out as his first.The aged person is Lord Muruga, it is said.
Shri Nathaadi Guruguho jayathi jayathi:= Victory! Victory!! to Guruguha and the deities
starting from Mahavishnu onwards.
Shri chidaananda Naathoham ithi santhatham hridini bhaja:=Oh!Mind!Constantly meditate
that you are the Lord of the mind full of bliss.(The true nature of our mind is being peaceful. When the thoughts pertaining to anger,despair,envy,excitement and anxiety are removed only bliss