Before proceeding to Shri Kamalaamba navavaranam one has to meditate on three deities, viz.
BalagaNapathi, BalasubrahmaNyar and Kamalaambika. These deities have their shrines at Thiruvarur Thyagaraja swamy temple which is surrounded by a lake called Kamalalaya.
The krithi on Lord GaNapathy was composed by Dikshithar in the Gaula raga which is a gana raaga.
No work is started without Ganapathi vandana. Even a visit to a temple at first starts with worship of Lord Ganapathi.
ShrimahagaNapathiravathu maam, siddhi vinaayako Mathanga mukha:= Let ShrimahagaNapathi protect me. He who is the giver of success in all endeavours is a leader who has no parellel viz. vinayaka and he is the elephant faced god.
Anu Pallavi: =
Kaama janaka vidhindra sannutha kamalaalaya thata nivaaso:=Mahavishnu,the father of manmatha,Brahma and Indra extol the glory of GaNapathy whose shrine is on the banks of Lake kamalalaya in Thiruvarur.
Komalathara pallava padayuga guruguhaagraja shivaathmaja:=The child Ganapathy's feet are tender and He is the brother of child Muruga, and son of Lord Shiva.
SuvarNaakarshaNa vigna raajo,Paadaambhujo, gaura varNa vasana dharo, paala chandro:=
He is attractive like gold,He is the remover of all impediments, His feet are like lotus, He wears white dress, His forehead is like the phase of the moon.
Naraadi vinutha lambhodaro:= worshipped by human beings as well as all creatures and having a great belly which is symbolic of the entire world and its denizens.
Kuvalaya swa vishaaNa paasaankusa modako:= Who has in His hands a lily, a broken tusk of His own (which helped Him to write the Mahabharatha as narrated by Bhagavan Vyasa) rope, goad and modaka (His favourite sweetmeat)
Prakaasakaro bhava jaladhi naavo := The one who enlightens the jeeva to navigate the ocean of samsaara.
Moola prakrithi swabhaavas sukhatharo:= His nature is that of primordial one which bestows bliss as athmanubhava for every being. When we contemplate on the entire creation, we are overwhelmed at the natural order of things and sequences. It is this order which determines
the characteristics of objects and beings animate as well as inanimate.
These characteristics are subject to the laws of limitation in the physical and mental plane. Lord Ganesa sitting as moolaadhaara murthi in the form of pure consciousness in every being bears witness to this drama of creation with His blissful nature.
Madhyama kala:=
Ravi sahasra sannibha deho,kavi jananutha mooshika vaho:= His body shines like a thousand suns, He is worshipped by the wise people, He has the mouse as his vehicle which can be compared to the mind. In a human body the mind which is unseen could move much faster
than the visible big part viz.tummy.
Avanatha devatha samooho avinaasha kaivalya geho:=worshipped by the hosts of celestial beings and He is the abode of blissfulness.
The audio version of this song is available under Navavarana krithis in arvindsdadblogspot.com
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