Pallavi :=
Shri Kamalaambaayaaha param nahi re re chiththa := Oh mind! There is nothing beyond Kamalaambika,
Kshithyaadi Shivaantha thathva swaroopinyaha := She is the core principle of every thing starting from Her Divine Consort Lord Shiva onwards to the Earth meaning from the subtle of the subtlest to the gross of the grossest..The cosmic consciousness or the cosmic being shines in all the individuals eternally. We name Her Shakthi, the power within in beings, matter etc.
Anu Pallavi:=
Shrikanta vishnu virinchaadi janayithriyaaha :=She is the mother of deities,Shiva,Vishnu, and Brahmaa as She has created them..When a vibration arises in the cosmic form of Mother Shakthi just as a wave is born in an ocaen Vishnu is born.Brahma is born and Shiva is born to carry on the three fold activity of creation, sustenance and dissolution.
Shivaathmaka vishva karthriyaaha kaarayithyaaha := With Shiva as the pure consciousness permeating the Universe in its varied forms, Shakthi has created this world and every thing moves according to Her order.
Shrikara bahir dasaara chakrasthithyaaha := She resides in the auspicious outer ten triangles
Sevitha Bhairavi, Bhargavi Bhaarathyaaha := Attended to by Mahakali, Lakshmi and Saraswathi.
Those who know the vedaas consider the Mahamayaa who controls the universe as the embodiment of Parvathi,Lakshmi and Saraswathi.
Charanam :=
Nadamaya sookshma rupa sarva siddhi pradaadi dasa shakthyaaraaditha murthe := Here Devi is qualified as the one who is the embodiment of sound and of subtle form. The primordial sound is known as pranava .This sound is purported to exist before the creation and it is the sound that stays after the pralaya.In creation the first thing produced is sound and it is the subtle form of ether. Since sound is the first material possession, it is by dint of sound alone we can
dissolve our material existence.
This is known as the naada rupa,the embodiment of sound of the supreme consciousness or awareness.
She is further described as the deity worshiped by the ten sub-deities of subtle form such as the following:
Sarvasiddhi prada, conferring all powers
Sarva sampath prada , conferring all wealth.
Sarva priankari , lovable by all.
Sarva mangala karini ,conferring all auspiciousness ,
Sarva kama prada , conferring all desires ,
Sarva dukha vimochani , removing all sufferings.
Sarva mrithyu prasamani, .mitigating all deaths .
Sarva vigna nivaarini ,removing all obstacles
Sarvaanga sundari , Beautiful in all limbs .
Sowbaagya daayini , conferring all prosperity
Shrothraadi dasa karana athmaka kula kaulikaadi bahu vidha upaasitha kirthehe:=
There are five gnanendriyaas viz. ears, skin, eyes, tongue, and our body and there are five karmendriyaas viz. mouth, hands, legs, genitals and anus. The presiding deities of these ten indriyas or senses are known as kula kaulikadi deities and Devi is worshipped by them in varied forms including the tantric form of worship.
Abheda nithya shuddha buddha muktha sachidananda maya parama advaitha spurthehe :=
She is free from thoughts of differences. She is eternal, pure, liberated; She is the chit shakthi as well as the
Ananda Bhirava in one. She is the highest pure consciousness pervading all the sentient and insentient ,
embodiment of the philosophy of advaitha, the oneness principle.
Adi madhyaantha rahitha aprameya guruguha moditha sarvaartha saadakaspurthehe :=
Here Guruguha (Muruga) is described as one who is not conditioned by the three states of creation, sustenance and destruction. He is further said to be immeasurable or unfathomable.The saadhakaas
who please Muruga by dint of their steadfast yogic practices worship Devi .
Mulaadi navaadaara vyavrittha dasadhwani bedagna yogi brinda samrakshinyaha :=
Devi protects the yogi groups who have the capacity to identify the subtle sounds of ten different types
on the path of kundalini rising along the sushumna. from mulaadhaara to sahasrara . Our body is created with the help of nine basic substances which are known as moola prakrithis . Corresponding to the nine chakraas of Srichakra represented by nine triangles bone marrow, semen, prana, and jeeva are pertaining to Shiva.
Prana is a certain form of matter which the athma organizes or builds up as a means of having experience.
Jeeva is the principle of life which develops matter by guiding the energy immersed in matter. These are the
upward triangles as per samaya worship.
Skin, blood, flesh, brain and bone are the five downward triangles representing Shakthi.
Anaadi maya avidya kaarya kaarana vinoda karana patuthara kataaksha veekshanyaahaa :=
Maya is termed as primordial cause of creation which produces avidya or ignorance in the mind of jeeva.
This in turn binds the jeeva under cause and effect of actions.i.e kaarya and kaarana. The powerful side glances of Devi i.e kataaksha veekshanam, dispels the avidya and thereby release the jeeva from the
samsaara,viz. birth and death in succession.
The audio version of the song is available with "" under the label of Kamalamba Navavaranam
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