Friday, July 10, 2009

sri guruguha murthe - udayaravichandrika - rupakam

Thiruththani tank

This is the eighth vibhakthi krithi on Lord Subrahmanya by sri Dikshithar .The first one invoked the Lord's blessings for the auspicious completion of this group krithis on Lord Muruga and after
completion of the same, in this krithi Dikshithar sings victory to the Lord for His sterling attributes
as a matter of thanksgiving.


Shri Guruguha Murthe chitshakthispurthe jaya:= Here Lord Guruguha is addressed as fulfiller of chit shakthi. Chit shakthi is the power of consciousness or subjectivity and identifies with the unmanifested absolute.This is opposite to maya shakthi which is the power of consciousness and objectivity which identifies with the world, the manifestation of absolute.Victory unto you!
Sishya janaavana keerthe sumuhurthe jaya:= Renowned for protecting the disciples, considered auspicious, victory unto you!


Yogini hrudaya prakasa chitta vrutthe:= The yogini hrudaya belongs to what is known as kadi line of shri vidya. Kadi means the letter ka etc. and refers to the fifteen lettered mantra.The well known Shri yantra is considered to be one with the manthra and with the devatha known as shri maha thripura sundari. Guruguha enlightens this concept.

Yugapad mogha yoga pradaana nipuna shakte:= Unsurpassed in giving at a time objective pleasures or subjective spiritual pursuits

Aagama rahasya thathvaanusanthaana yukthe:= The one who is skilled in observing the secrets of the aagamas.

Aanandaanurakthe athi virakthe jaya jaya:= blissfully loving and very detached at the same time,victory unto you!

Aathmeswara jeeva bhedaavarana nvrutte:= In the navaavarana the fifth avarana speaks about the imaginary distinction about jeeva and Easwara. The individualised consciousness itself is known as the jiva or individual soul, when the potentialities are in the extremely subtle state. When all this play of jiva ceases, that itself shines as the supreme self. The Lord takes jiva
to this nvrutti marga.(spiritual)

Aasritha sishyaanugraha kaarana pravrutte:= One who bestows His grace on His devoted desciples in an ever increasing way.

Aathma thatvaadi shodana saadana sampathte:=The One who bestows the tools of realising the self.

Aaraktha swetha misra charana pravruthte:= His lotus feet abound in the hue of mixture of red and white indicating the confluence of Shiva's white hue with Parvathi's reddish hue.

Aathma koti bhakthe anaadi maayothpathte:= The One with the loyal devotees of innumerable number and the One who generates the maya called the universe which is but a long dream.The ego sense and also the fancy that there are others are as real as dream objects.

Aathmanubhava saara santhrupthe nirmukthe:=Completely satisfied with the essence of self realisation and thereby completely freed from worldly attachments.

Madhyama kalam:=
Aathmodaya ravi chandrika sandeeptha:=With His all pervading self He enlightens the rising Sun and the Moon.

Paramaathma shri Chidaananda Natha namasthe jaya jaya:=The all pervading Supreme Self Shri Chidaananda Natha, Lord Subrahmanya, victory unto you!

The audio version of this song is available,as sung by smt.Vijayalakshmi. in

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