Saturday, May 9, 2009

Manasa guruguha roopam-rupaka thaalam-aananda bhairavi

This is the second vibhakthi krithi on Lord Muruga composed by dikshithar at tiruthani.
Maanasa guruguha roopam Bhaja re re := Oh mind, meditate on the form of guruguha and
Maayaa maya hrid thaapam thyaja re re := Cast off the sorrows created by delusion.
The raaga aananda bhairavi is aptly applied to this composition by dikshithar as it always leaves the listener with divine peace eliminating all the agitations from one's mind.
What is the delusion ?
What is seen here as human beings including you me, they,etc. are only apparitions.In reality they do not exist.Nothing has been created.Only the supreme paramaathma exists.The rest are illusions
of forms and names.Leave this.
If this ignorance or sorrow of delusion is not overcome it gives rise to interminable sufferings not only in this birth but also in the countless lifetimes to come.
Anu Pallavi:
Maanava janmani sampraapthe sathi paramaathmani nirathisaya sukham vraja re re :=
Having achieved human birth seek to obtain unsurpassed bliss in Paramaathma and avoid the mundane pleasures.
There is only one way to remove the ignorance i.e the conviction to renounce the cravings for sense pleasures.By doing this mind is cleansed of its agitations.Now it is fit to turn towards Paramaathma. For what purpose?
In order to obtain nirathisaya sukham which is unsurpassed bliss and which is not available
otherwise elsewhere.
Sathva guNopaathi sahitha sadaashivam:= Lord Shiva depicting the everlasting happiness
by His very name Sadaashiva accompanied by sattva guna or saatvic qualities.
Sva avidya sametha jeevodbhavam tathvam thaamasa yutha viswa vaibhavam:=All living things are born out of Him owing to their ignorance.The universe with its thaamasic qualities is again the manifestation of His greatness.
Thought and mind are one and the same.If thoughts are completely removed what is left out is none other than pure consciousness.The thoughts are nothing but the perception of the external world consisting of nama and roopa.In short experience is another name for the mind.
The world is entirely pervaded by pure consciousness including every atom there in.
Supposing we perceive a gold ornament and if we are immediately conscious of the gold in it and realise that the gold and the ornament are one and the same the object and subject become one.
The same rule applies to the perceived world.We realise the presence of pure consciousness
all around and we cease to be affected by love and hate likes and dislikes etc. and an ever lasting
peace dwells in our hearts.
Tharakeswaram Aananda bhairavam:=The one who annihilated Tharakaasura and the Bhairava
the annihilator brimming with eternal bliss.Here dikshithar merges Guruguha and Sadaashiva as one confirming the above philosophy.
Madhyama kaalam:
Nathwa sri guru charanam krthvaa naamasmaranam jithwa mohaavaranam mathwa thvadeka
saranam:=Prostrate at the feet of guru.repeat the bhagavan nama in the mind win over the cravings of the mind and surrender to Him as the only refuge.
This song's audio version available under dikshithar krithis in the blog"
as rendered beautifully by smt.Bombay Jayashree.

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