Sunday, March 8, 2009

chathurdasa raagamaalikaa 6

The charanam in raga bhairava:
Chidaakaasa bhairavam puraharam.= The name Bhairava represents Shiva as the
annihilator.He is the destroyer of ahankaara or the ego in chidaakaasa , in the firmament of
consciousness. He is purahara, the destroyer of three worlds viz. the heaven,the swarga
the ether,the akaasa and the earth,the prithvi.
The story goes that the devas, swayed by the demons, once requested Lord Shiva to destroy the three worlds.Accordingly Shiva assumed the bhairava rupa, having the earth as the chariot
Brahma as the charioteer, vishnu as the arrow,and mount Mandara as the bow and destroyed
Vidi kapaala trishuladhara bhairavam puraharam.= having on His trishula one head of brahma.
This happened due to an argument with brahma.Brahma cursed in return that Shiva has to beg food while holding the skull in His hand.
The next charanam is in raga saaranga.
ChitSabheswaram Saarangadharam.= dancing in the inner consciousness and having a deer in His hand.
In certain versions Shiva is said to posses the deer in his hand. The deer represents tranquility.
In the next line it is further qualified as "Daarukaavana tapodhana kalpitha saarangadharam
meaning the peace acquired by the ascetics living in the Dharuka vana.This denotes the pine forest near Chidambaram.
There is another meaning for the word saaranga indicating the bow. As per Mundakopanishad
having the bow as upanishads one should aim the sharp arrow of meditation by drawing it with
the mind at the target of Brahman.

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