Friday, March 26, 2010

Shri Kamalaambikaayaam Bhakthim -- Sahana -- Thriputa Thaalam

This is the seventh aavarana krithi denoting the Sarva rogahara Chakra meaning the remover of all ills. In reality it refers to the removal of ignorance born of Maya and its resultant dwandhwa moha or the dual aspects of heat and cold, happiness and sorrow, friendship and enmity, gain and loss etc. Here the mind reaches equanimity and the right spirit for the worship of Srichakra.There are eight triangles representing eight divinities known as vag devathaas. The presiding deity is Tripura Siddha, the aspect of tripura which bestows all forms of accomplishments. According to Sri Bhaskararaya, under special circumstances the worship of whole Srichakra can be accomplished by worshipping the above said eight vasu kona along with trikona and such is the greatness of this aavarana.


Shri kamalaambikaayaam bhakthim karomi := I am devoted to Sri Kamalaamba.

shritha kalpa vaatikaayaam chandikaayaam jagadambikaayaam :=
 She is like the garden of kalpa trees for Her devotees. She is known as Chandika and She is the mother of the world.

The kalpa tree gives all that is desired. If there is a garden of such trees what could not be accomplished by Her devotees! She is Chandica due to Her fierce nature in dealing with the wicked. She is the Shakthi who created this universe with all the sentient and insentient creatures.

AnuPallavi :=

Rakaa chandra vadanaayaam rajeeva nayanaayaam :=  Whose face is like the full moon and whose eyes are like the red lotus.

Paakaarinutha charanaayaam aakaasaadi kiranaayaam := Whose feet are worshiped by Indra, the enemy of Paakaasura..She possesses  the rays which can be termed as the light of lights .e.g. Shankaracharya  describes Devi in the 21st sloka of Soundarya Lahari as follows:
Thatillekaa thanveem thapana shashi vaishwaanara mayim  i.e. Devi shines in fire, sun and the moon, having Her body like the arc of lightning and also shines in   the sahasrara chakra in unison with Lord Shiva. She is the inner light in every being which identifies the lights of the sun, moon, fire etc.

Madhyama kala :=

Hreemkaara vipina hariNyaam hreemkaara su sareeriNyaam := She is the deer wandering in the forest of hreemkara and She has the beautiful body known as hreemkara .

Hreemkara tharu manjaryaam hreemkara iswaryaam gauryaam  := Who is the bunch of flowers in the tree of hreemkara manthra, who is the presiding deity of hreemkara and who is known as Gauri as She is of golden hue.

Hreemkara is known as shakthi pranavam and it is considered as the mother of sounds on earth.This is also the bija manthra of the supreme sahasrara chakra.The soul is supposed to attain kaivalya by reciting this manthra at sahasrara chakra.Hreem is the combination of ha, ra, i, and ma. Hreem stands for Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and their energies vaama, jyeshta and roudri which are the three sides of the triangle at the base of sushumna representing will, knowledge and action. Mother Lalitha generates what is indirect as the absolute to become direct through hreem syllable. She is known as Hreemkara vedya. In both  hreem and om the para aspect and the apara aspect of the Brahman are indicated. Therefore She is hreemkara chinthya. Hreem itself is veda and She is the upanishad for the veda. So She is Hreemkara vedopanishad.

Charanam :=

Shareerathraya vilakshana sukhathara sva athmaanu bhoginyaam := There are three types of bodies in respect of every human being, the gross, the subtle and the causal bodies. Devi is enjoying within us by dint of Her all pervasiveness the fourth state viz. thuria, the brahmaananda thathva.

The materials from which the gross body is made is a happy mixture of the five gross elements. The gross material from which the bodies are made whether they belong to plants, animals or humans comes from the same five gross elements. But the scheme of determining the type of birth is the result of past actions of the individual. These are known as vasanas.They determine the condition regarding health, size, shape and colour. This birth is undertaken to get rid of the praarabdha karma or the result of past actions.
The subtle body consists of mind, intellect, ten organs of perception and action and the five pranaas.
The causal body, as it contains vaasanaas, functions in deep sleep. At that time it is in a state of non apprehensions.Thus the self is steeped in avidya or maya.

These three bodies are different from the pure self which  enlivens them by its very presence and it is full of bliss.
Virinchi hareesaana harihaya veditha rahasya yoginyaam:= The Thrimurthis viz. Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva have learnt from Goddess Lalitha the powers of the rahasya yoginis, the deity each of the triangles in the Srichakra as She is the embodiment as well as the presiding deity of these yoginis.

Paraadi vaagdevatha rupa vashinyaadi vibhaaginyaam :=She is the embodiment of vashini devatha who is one of the eight vaag devathas who are known as deities of speech.These are the sources of matrukaas, the mothers identified with all the letters and sounds of the Sanskrit alphabets.They comprise of the fifty one letters of the Sanskrit language.Thus the eight minor triangles cover all the sound sources of the manifest world and also with the other powers associated with the srichakra's remaining seven sub chakras.

Sarva rogahara chakram

The names of these Vaagdevathas are vashini, kaameswari, modini, vimale, arune, jayini, sarveshwari, and kaulini. She is the embodiment of para vidya which deals with the unknown and strikes the difference between the two viz.para and apara vidya.

Charaathmaka sarvarogahara niramaya raja yoginyaam. := She is the goddess of Raja-yoga which can eliminate all the diseases in beings leading one to exuberance in health. Devi is the coiled power of kundalini shakthi in every being and the practice of rajayoga releases one from all types of diseases, physical as well as mental. Raja yoga is the royal path of meditation. As a king maintains control over his kingdom a man can have control over his own kingdom of the territories of mind as well as body through various practices prescribed therein and ultimately realise the self. In this sentence the name of the chakra is mentioned as sarva roga hara.

Madhyama kaalam := 

Karadhritha vinaa vaadinyaam kamala nagara vinodinyaam :=Devi sports in the kamala nagara viz. Tiruvarur playing the Veena in her hand .

Sura nara muni jana modinyaam guruguha vara prasaadinyaam := Devi pleases the gods, human beings and the sages and bestows boons to guruguha ; here we may attribute the term guruguha to Dikshithar.

For the audio version of this song may be referred to.