Sunday, September 13, 2009


This is the third dhyaana krithi of Sri Kamalamba navaavaranam. In this krithi Dikshithar describes the glorious features of Sri Kamalambika in order to bring the devotees in an apt condition to enter the first avarana. There are two sannidhies for Ambaal at Thiruvarur. The consort of Lord Shiva in Her glorious married state is known as Neelothpalaamba. Before the divine marriage, the attire of Ambaal in penance is known as Kamalambika. At Thiruvarur when one enters the North Tower, there is a separate temple on the western side wherein sits Ambaal in penance facing the northwest direction and this deity is known as Kamalambika.

Following the Kaadi matha Dikshithar became a Srichakra Upasaka and composed krithis for the nine chakras on Sri Kamalamba which are known as navavarana krithis. These krithis expound philasophical terms and their respective terms in manthra as well as thanthra in Devi upasana.

Kamalambike! asritha kalpa lathike! chandike! :=  kamalambike, for those who take refuge in you, you are like the karpaka creeper yielding their wishes and you are a fierce Goddess.( who annihilates the wicked).

Kamaneeya arunamsuke! kara vidrutha shuke! maamava  :=     Wearing a beautiful red garment and having a parrot in your hand, please protect me!

Anu Pallavi :=

Kamalasanadi pujitha  kamala pade! bahu varade !:= Your lotus feet are  worshipped by Brahma and others viz Vishnu, Shiva etc.and you are a bestower of many boons ( for your worshippers)

Kamalalaya theertha vaibhave! Shive! Karunaarnave!:= The one who glorifies the Kamalalaya tank by having Her abode on its banks, the auspicious one, and an ocean of mercy,  (in  removing the miseries of mankind).

Charanam :=

Sakala loka naayike! sangeetha rasike! :=    As the presiding deity of Srichakra, Ambaal, the Srichakra rajakumari wields all the worlds perceived realised and experienced by the jiva. She is a great connoisseur of Music. The highest and easiest form of worship is through music.That is the reason why we try to have at least  a glimpse of Dikshithar's navavarana krithis and their special significance.

Sukavithva pradaayike! sundari gatha maayike!:=   Proficiency in poesy is easy of access to those of poets who worship kamalambika and Devi is a bestower of such knowledge. She is beautiful and devoid of illusions or maya and represents the pure consciousness.

Vikalebhara mukthi daana nipune! agha harane!:= She is an expert in granting videha mukthi i.e attaining moksha at the end of one's life. Her nearness removes one's ego in this very life.

Viyadaadi bhutha kirane! vinoda charane ! arune! := Devi shines beautifully like the rising sun and Her rays, light red in colour radiates and permeates this world and the five elements as the primordial cause; Her enchantingly red-hued feet like lotus have a unique feature. Unlike the other gods and goddesses Devi does not show Her abhaya mudra through Her hands because all the powers of  abhaya varada are contained in Her lotus feet. A person who meditates on Devi resplendant with red hued rays around  would never get back to the wheel of birth and death.

Madhyama kala sahithyam:=

Sakale! guruguha karane! sada shivanthah karane !:= Whatever we perceive and contemplate and whatever is beyond our perception and contemplation, everything is the swarupa of Devi. As Bharathi the tamil poet says, yaadumaagi nindraay, She stands as everything before us.She is the mother of the Great Guruguha, She is the core consciousness of Shiva. Shakthi and Easwara both are intertwined as the fragrance and flower; nectar and its sweetnes and light; that they cannot be separated.

aa ka cha ta tha pa adi varne! akandaika rasa purne!:=  aa, ka,cha,ta,tha,pa etc. are the first letters of the Maathruka manthras of the vasini devathaas of the sarva roga hara chakra in srichakra which we will be dealing with, in due course, as we deal with the seventh aavarana kirthanai. Ambaal  is surrounded by vaag devathaas and She is the one as the essence of  unlimited bliss.

In this krithi Dikshithar contemplates on Kamalamba by invoking Her various divine attributes.

The audio version of this krithi as beautifully rendered by smt.S.Rajeshwari is available in the blog
arvindsdadblogspot .com under navaavarana krithis.

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