In this krithi Dikshithar extols the glory of Raahu Bhagavaan. Even though He is one of the two shadow planets viz. Raahu and Kethu His wielding power is great on human beings . He bestows plenty and prosperity when He is posited in a favorable position in one's horoscope. When He is afflicted , impediments visit in the form of kalathra dosha viz.problems affecting wife , puthra dosha i.e problems affecting one's children and loss of position etc .
In order to ward off the ill effects of unfavorable position of Rahu a visit to Thirunaageswaram is undertaken which is situate at six kilometers from Kumbakonam enroute to Karaikal , wherein the temple of Raahu is famous for worship. Listening to the krithi on Raahu by Dikshithar is another form of receiving the grace of Raahu .
Pallavi :=
Smaraamyaham sadaa raahum surya chandra veekshyam vikrutha deham := I constantly think of Raahu whose sight by the sun and the Moon deforms their bodies .This refers to the solar and lunar eclipse when Raahu is supposed to swallow them .
AnuPallavi :=
Suraasuram rogaharam sarpaadi bheethiharam := Raahu is both in the form of Deva and Asura .He is the remover of diseases and also quells the fear of poisonous creatures like snakes .As per the Puranas, being an asura or dragon he took the form of deva to receive the elixir along with the devas .Since this fact was reported to Mahavishnu who was distributing the elixir amritha to devas first, in anger Vishnu hit on the head of Raahu knocking Him down on earth. Raahu's head and tail got separated .The intake of elixir made Him a demi god and asura .
Madhyama Kalam :=
Shurpaasana sukhakaram ,shulaayudha dharakaram := He has the seat of grain sieve and wields the spear in His hand conferring boons to people who worship Him thus .
Charanam :=
Karaalavadanam katinam kayaanaarna karunaardraapaangam : = A fearful face with harsh expression turns graceful when propitiated with the recital of kayana mantra , which is the bija mantra of Raahu .
Chaturbhujam kadga ketaadi dharanam := With four hands and with sword and shield.
Madhyama Kalam :=
Charmaadi neela vasthram gomedhakaabharanam := attired in blue leather cloth ; wearing ornaments studded with gomedh stone. Gomedh means cow's urine in sanskrit and the stones are zircon stones with brown or yellow hue.
Shani Shukra mitra guruguha santhoshakaranam := Raahu is a friendly planet to Shani and Shukra and makes Guruguha happy .
The audio version is available with under navagraha krithis
In order to ward off the ill effects of unfavorable position of Rahu a visit to Thirunaageswaram is undertaken which is situate at six kilometers from Kumbakonam enroute to Karaikal , wherein the temple of Raahu is famous for worship. Listening to the krithi on Raahu by Dikshithar is another form of receiving the grace of Raahu .
Pallavi :=
Smaraamyaham sadaa raahum surya chandra veekshyam vikrutha deham := I constantly think of Raahu whose sight by the sun and the Moon deforms their bodies .This refers to the solar and lunar eclipse when Raahu is supposed to swallow them .
AnuPallavi :=
Suraasuram rogaharam sarpaadi bheethiharam := Raahu is both in the form of Deva and Asura .He is the remover of diseases and also quells the fear of poisonous creatures like snakes .As per the Puranas, being an asura or dragon he took the form of deva to receive the elixir along with the devas .Since this fact was reported to Mahavishnu who was distributing the elixir amritha to devas first, in anger Vishnu hit on the head of Raahu knocking Him down on earth. Raahu's head and tail got separated .The intake of elixir made Him a demi god and asura .
Madhyama Kalam :=
Shurpaasana sukhakaram ,shulaayudha dharakaram := He has the seat of grain sieve and wields the spear in His hand conferring boons to people who worship Him thus .
Charanam :=
Karaalavadanam katinam kayaanaarna karunaardraapaangam : = A fearful face with harsh expression turns graceful when propitiated with the recital of kayana mantra , which is the bija mantra of Raahu .
Chaturbhujam kadga ketaadi dharanam := With four hands and with sword and shield.
Madhyama Kalam :=
Charmaadi neela vasthram gomedhakaabharanam := attired in blue leather cloth ; wearing ornaments studded with gomedh stone. Gomedh means cow's urine in sanskrit and the stones are zircon stones with brown or yellow hue.
Shani Shukra mitra guruguha santhoshakaranam := Raahu is a friendly planet to Shani and Shukra and makes Guruguha happy .
The audio version is available with under navagraha krithis
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