Pallavi :=
Shri kamalaambike avaava shive kara dhrutha shuka saarike := Shri Kamalaambike, protect me! The Auspicious One! with the bird like a parrot in your hand .
Anu pallavi :=
Loka paalini kapaalini shoolini loka janani bhagamaalini := You ! who is the wielder of the world! You carry the skull of Brahma ! You who carries the shulaayudha! You who is the mother of the worlds ! You who is also known as Bhaga maalini ,(garland of fortunes). As per ardha naareeswara bhaava Devi holds the skull of Brahma.
Sakridaalokaya maam, sarvasiddhi pradaayike, thripuraambike,baalaambike : = Please look at me at least once, Giver of all fulfillment, Goddess of three cities viz. wakeful, dream and deep sleep states, in short the entire consciousness of each human being consisting of mind, intelligence and ego and Balaambika, the consort of Vaitheeshwara.
Charanam :=
Santhaptha hema sannibha dehe sadaakandaika rasa pravaahe :=Your body shines like melted gold, from whom the incessant flow of brahmaananda streams forth.
Santhaapa hara thrikona gehe sakaameshwari shakthi samoohe := You reside in the triangular house which dispels the three fold afflictions viz. adhyaathmika, adibowthika, and adidaiveeka.The bodily and mental pains are denoted as adhyaathmika .The afflictions caused by external factors such as men, beast, reptiles and animate and inanimate objects are known as adibhowthika. Adi daiveeka denotes the afflictions due to planetary influence, evil spirits etc.You are surrounded by athi rahasya yoginis such as banini, chapini, paasini, ankusini, mahakameshwari, mahavajreshwari, mahabhagamalini etc. who are the presiding deities of sarvasiddhiprada chakra.
Santhatham mukthi ghantaamani ghoshaayamana kavaata dware := You who has the entrance door to salvation wherein the sound of ringing bell invokes the aspirants.The raga mudra ghanta is in this line.
Anantha guruguha vidithe := You who is known by Anantha, Lord Shiva and Lord Guruguha
Kara anguli nakhodaya vishnu dasaavathaare :=You, whose ten finger nails form the ten avathaaraas of Vishnu .
Madhyama kaalam :=
Anthah karaneshu kaarmukha sabdaadi pancha thanmaathra vishika athyantha raaga paasa dwesha ankusadhara kara athi rahasya yogini pare := Keeping the mind, antahkarana as sugarcane bow and the five tanmathras viz sabda, sparsha, rasa, rupa, gandha sound, touch, taste, sight, smell as arrows limitless desire as paasa the rope and hate as the goad, (ankusha) you are the supreme deity of athirahasya yoga, very secret yoga.
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