Sunday, May 30, 2010

Navagraha kirthanams by Muthuswamy Dikshithar -- Suryamoorthe -- Saurashtra ragam dhruva thalam

An erudite scholar like Dikshithar , who was an ardent performer of Srichakra Puja , never overlooked the importance of the navagrahas in our day to day lives. It is a well known fact that none of us could remember our past lives . We come across however many situations in our lives which are beyond our control . Supposing we sit and question the reason for our untoward predicament or unhealthy state of a prolonged nature /order when no reason could be attributed ,  as a last resort we go in search of an astrologer to ward off any planetary evils .

One thing is certain that we never seek astrological help  at the time when every thing goes well with us .Even in modern times with all the advancement of medical remedies and  up to date scientific knowledge, our minds are put to rest only after performing the remedial measures suggested by the astrologist in respect of  planetary disfavour .

Dikshithar has found out an easy method of appeasing the navagrahas or the nine planets . By singing the Navagraha Kithanams  diligently with devotion  we may endear the grace of the planets, and especially the ones pointed out  by the astrologers as in disfavour  at the moment . If singing is not in the capacity of one, then it would suffice one to listen with devotion the respective krithis as sung by the eminent musicians .

However it is better to know the purport of each krithi on Navagrahas with the meaning  and explanation to understand better as we listen to these songs .

The very first song is on Surya Bhagavan . our philosophy is " sarvam brahmamayam jagath " We therefore attribute divinity to  the five elements  and in no less way to the floating planets in the universe and consider them as minions of  God to carry out His orders .

Those who undergo impediments in respect of  spouse, marriage, progeny, education, profession should worship the Sun for relief . On the whole the Sun refers to father, athma, eyes, physical stamina and help from governments as well as Eminent persons .

The krithi is composed in Saurashtra ragam which is one of the auspicious ragams and which can be sung at any part of the day .

Pallavi :=

Surya moorthe , Namosthuthe , sundara chayadhipathe : =  Prostrations to Lord Surya, the spouse of Beautiful Chaya Dhevi,.

 Anupallavi  =

Kaarya kaaranaathmaka jagath prakaasa simha raashyaadipathe : = The Sun is the provider of enlightenment to the world in respect of the cause and effect of each event  ; He is the sign-lord of Simha Rasi , the constellation  called Leo .

Aarya vinutha tejas poorthe , aarogyaadi palada kirthe : =  Your resplendance has been praised by the Learned ;You are the renowned  provider of good health .

Charanam : = 

Saarasa mithra mithra bhaano , sahasra kirana karna soono : = You are the friend of the lotus and as a friendly planet (  in one's horoscope )  you make the person's life shine . You are resplendent and father of Karna .

Krura paapahara krusaano , guruguha moditha swabhaano : =  The one to burn the deadly sins,  the one to please guruguha by your natural brightness .

Surijaneditha sudina maNe ,Somaadi graha shikaamane , : = Praised by the learned , you are the jewel of the day, You are the crest jewel of the other planets like the moon .

Dhiraarchitha karma saakshine , divyathara sapthaaswa rathine : = You are worshipped by the courageous , you are the witness of all actions. You have the divine seven horses driven chariot . The seven horses are said to be the seven colours of the rainbow or seven days of the week .

Saura  ashtaarNa manthra athmane , souvarNa swaroopaathmane  : = The  embodiment of Gayathri Manthra which has the eight-lettered  manthra of three dimensions  addressed to Savita the inner power behind  Surya ,.the one with the golden hued form .

Bharatheesa hari haraathmane ,bhukthi mukthi vitharaNaathmane  : = You are indeed the Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva , three in one ; You who is the bestower of  material gains as well as spiritual progress for liberation ..

The audio version of the song is available with under Navagraha krithis

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shri Kamalambike (Mangala Kirthanam)-Shri ragam-Khanda jaathi eka thalam

In completion of the Navaavarana Kirthanas this song is dedicated by Dikshithar to Goddess Sri Maha Thripura Sundari  to confer auspiciousness on all those who do the Srichakra worship.The song starts with the name of the raga .

Pallavi : =

Shri kamalaambike shive paahi maam : = The Most Auspicious Kamalaambike ! protect me !

Lalithe , Shripathi vinuthe , sithasithe ,Shivasahithe , : = Who is of the tender form , worshipped by Vishnu , having a mixed complexion of white and dark blue , and who is the companion of Lord Shiva .

Samashti Charanam : =

Rakha chandramukhi , Rakshitha kola mukhi : =Whose face is like full moon, Who protects Vaaraahi , Her chief of the army.

Ramaa vaani sakhi , Raja yoga sukhi : = Who is the friend of  Goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswathi , Who enjoys the bliss of Raja Yoga .

Shaakambari, shaathodari , chandra kalaadhari : = Shaaka denotes vegan food .  Ambari means one who bears . Devi was given the name Shaakambari as she brought grains , fruits etc to appease the hunger of people in the days of yore when they were starved for a number of years . Shaathodari speaks of Devi's slender waist . Devi wears the half crescent moon while sporting the Ardha - Naareeswara Bhava or form .

Shankari shankara guruguha bhaktha vasankari : = One who does auspicious things ;  One who brings within Her fold the devotees of Lord Shiva and Lord Muruga .

Ekaakshari bhuvaneshwari isha priyakari  : = The one who is symbolic of Om the pranava , Goddess of the universe and consort of Lord Shiva .

Shreekari sukakari shri Maha Thripura Sundari : =   The one who bestows auspiciousness and well being and who is Maha Thripura Sundari .

The Soundarya Lahari says " Shivaha shakthya yukthaha yadi  bhavathi shakthyaa  prabhavithum ".
Only with the association of shakthi, Shiva becomes powerful to activate the universe . We may say Shiva represents the pure consciousness who is the witness of the play of sathwa , rajas , and thamas leading to the creation of human beings . These three gunas by various combinations with the five elements create the world..

The Moon , Sun , and fire are within the Shakthi and all planets constellations and Time are Her contribution .

She is the will (icha) , Knowledge( jnana ) and action (kriya)

She is the buddhi , the intellect , manas the mind , and ahankaara the ego .

She represents wakeful, dream and deep sleep state and she is beyond these as athma witnessing these states.

She directs the trimurthies to perform the creation , sustenance and destruction and after which stands beyond that .

She represents the five elements viz ether , air, fire, water and earth .

The moon as the mirror of reflection of Devi holds together all creation and creatures and human beings by playing on their minds

In conclusion we  may say that the navaavarana puja leads human beings  to realize the ultimate through stage by stage acquisition of  power denoted by each aavarana and  worship Sri Maha Thripura Sundari at the bindu as Shiva and Shakthi in unison .

The audio version of this song is available in ""

Shri Kamalaamba Jayathi-- aahiri ragam--rupaka thalam

This is the ninth aavaranam of the navaavarana krithis composed by Dikshithar.This krithi denotes the sarvaanandamaya chakra .All along we have been travelling through the eight entrances of Srichakra and now we have reached the bindhu which is the innermost aspect of Srichakra or this is the sahasrara chakra as per kundalini yoga.This is directly addressed to Sri Maha Thripura Sundari who is the supreme deity of Srichakra and who confers all prosperity, fulfillment of desires and Supreme Bliss to Her devotees .The raaga mudra   Ahiri is in charanam .

Pallavi :=

Shri Kamalaamba Jayathi Amba Shri  : = Victory unto you ! Shri Kamalaamba , the auspicious mother !

Shringaara rasa kadamba , madamba, chit bimba ,prathi bimbendu bimba : =  My Mother Kamalaamba ,the reflector of my intellect is the cumulative essence of shringaara rasa . She reflects the reflection of the full moon .The unity of Shiva and Shakthi in the ardhanaareeswara thathwa depicts the culmination of shringaara rasa. In each human being She is the athma identifying various things through intellect such as the reflection of the Moon , thereby surpassing even the brightness of the full moon .

Madhyama kaalam
Shreepura bindhu madhyastha ,chinthaamani mandirastha Shivaakaara manchasthitha Shivakaameshaankastha :=
In the centremost point of Srichakra is the Bindu which is known as Sarvaanandamayam ,  on the Pancha Brahmaasana Mahaa Thripura Sundari is seated on the lap of Sadashiva . Pancha Brahmaasana means a cot wherein the upper plank is the lap of Sadashiva and the support of which is made by Brahma, vishnu, shiva, and  Maheswara on four sides .Here the Sivakaameshwara is seated on their support and on His lap Devi is seated
Anu Pallavi =

Sukaraanana aadhyarchitha Mahaathripurasundareem :=Sri Mahathripurasundari was worshipped by Mahavishnu at the time of Varaha avathaara .

Rajarajeswareem srikara sarvaanandamaya chakravarthineem suvaasineem chinthayeham := I meditate on Rajarajeshwari, the auspicious Empress of Sarvaanandamaya Chakra who is a nithya sumangali.

Madhyama kaalam
Divaakara sheetha kirana paavakaadi vikaasa karayaa :=  Who enlightens ( through our minds ) the light from the Sun , the Moon , and Agni the fire.

Bheekara thaapathrayaadi bedana dhureena tharayaa ;= Who is an expert in removing the three types of  afflictions creating fear,  as mentioned in the eighth Navaavarana .

Paakaripu pramukhaadi praarthitha su kalebharayaa := Whose divinity is  worshipped by eminent gods like Indra and others .

Praakatya paraa parayaa paalitho dayaakarayaa := Who manifests both para and apara aspects of life viz. the life here and hereafter protects me with great compassion .

Charanam :=
Sarvaanandamaya Chakra

Shri Maathre Namasthe Chinmaathre  Sevitha  Ramaaharikaavidhaathre := Oh ! Auspicious Mother ! Who is the Mother of Wisdom ! Worshipped by Lakshmi, Vishnu and Brahma !

Vaamaadi  shakthi pujitha paradevathaayaaha  sakalam jaatham : =  From the Goddess Shakthi worshipped by  Sage Vama and others all is born in this world !

Kaamaadi dwaadasabhir upaasitha Kaadi Haadi Saadi Manthra rupinyaahaa premaaspada shiva 
Guruguha Jananyaam preethiuktha  macchitham vilayathu : 

Worshipped  by Kama , manmatha and eleven others  as Kaadi vidya starting with ka , Haadi vidya starting with ha and Saadi vidya starting with sa , Devi, who is the embodiment of these manthraas and who is the mother of  lovable and auspicious Lord Muruga, may  let my mind absorbed in the loving devotion to Her.
The twelve devotees are Manu, Lopamudra, Durvaasa, and Manmatha belonging to kaadi vidya .Moon nandikeswara and shanmukha belonging to saadi vidya and kubera agasthya sun, vishnu and shiva belonging to haadi vidya . These worships based on panchadasaakshari manthra contain the secret of creation .

Brahmamaya prakaasini  naamaroopa  vimarshini,kaama kalaa pradarshini , saamarasya nidarshini : =

She is the enlightner of para brahma swaroopa ; She is the interpreter of name and form , She is the ever lasting proof of the equality of Shiva and Shakthi .

In Soundarya Lahari, Shiva and Shakthi are addressed as samarasa paraananda parayoho in sloka no. 34
Their equality is five fold; In poojas like srichakra there is Adhishtaana saamyam. In kriyaas like srishti sththi etc. Anushtaana saamyam . In dance like laasya and thandava Avasthaana saamyam . In names like Shiva Shivaa and Bhairava-Bhairavi , Naama saamyam . In red-hued complexion and the possession of the third eye , Roopa saamyam .

With this keerthna the Navaavaranam is complete .The next song invokes the auspiciousness of Devi to bestow prosperity .

The audio version of this song is available with



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Shri Kamalaambike Avaava--Ghanta--Adi thaalam

This is the eighth aavaranam which denotes the trikona or the triangle in which the bindu or the central point is situate in the Srichakra. This triangle does not intersect with the other triangles .The name of the aavaranam is SarvaSiddhiprada the giver of all success .The Yogini is known as Athirahasya Yogini ,very secret deity. The presiding deity is Tripuraamba.The triangle is the abode of kama kala.

Pallavi :=

Shri kamalaambike  avaava shive kara dhrutha shuka saarike := Shri Kamalaambike, protect me! The Auspicious One! with the bird like a parrot in your hand .

Anu pallavi :=

Loka paalini kapaalini shoolini loka janani bhagamaalini := You ! who is the wielder of the world! You carry the skull of Brahma ! You who carries the shulaayudha! You who is the mother of the worlds ! You who is also known as Bhaga maalini ,(garland of fortunes). As per ardha naareeswara bhaava  Devi holds the skull of Brahma.

Sakridaalokaya maam, sarvasiddhi pradaayike, thripuraambike,baalaambike : = Please look at me at least once, Giver of all fulfillment, Goddess of three cities viz. wakeful, dream and deep sleep states, in short the entire consciousness of each human being consisting of mind, intelligence and ego and Balaambika, the consort of  Vaitheeshwara.

Sarvasidhdhiprada chakram

Charanam :=

Santhaptha hema sannibha dehe sadaakandaika rasa pravaahe :=Your body shines like melted gold, from whom the incessant flow of brahmaananda streams forth.

Santhaapa hara thrikona gehe sakaameshwari shakthi samoohe :=  You reside in the triangular house which dispels the three fold afflictions viz. adhyaathmika, adibowthika, and adidaiveeka.The bodily and mental pains are denoted as adhyaathmika .The afflictions caused by external factors such as men, beast, reptiles and animate and inanimate objects are known as adibhowthika. Adi daiveeka denotes the afflictions due to planetary influence, evil spirits etc.You are surrounded by athi rahasya yoginis such as banini, chapini, paasini, ankusini, mahakameshwari, mahavajreshwari, mahabhagamalini etc. who are the presiding deities of sarvasiddhiprada chakra.

Santhatham mukthi ghantaamani ghoshaayamana kavaata dware := You who has the entrance door to salvation wherein the sound of ringing bell invokes the aspirants.The raga mudra ghanta is in this line.

Anantha guruguha vidithe := You who is known by Anantha, Lord Shiva and Lord Guruguha

Kara anguli nakhodaya vishnu dasaavathaare :=You, whose ten finger nails form the ten avathaaraas of Vishnu .

Madhyama kaalam :=

Anthah karaneshu kaarmukha sabdaadi pancha thanmaathra vishika athyantha raaga paasa dwesha ankusadhara kara athi rahasya yogini pare := Keeping the mind, antahkarana as sugarcane bow and the five tanmathras viz  sabda, sparsha, rasa, rupa, gandha sound, touch, taste, sight, smell as arrows limitless desire as paasa the rope and hate as the goad, (ankusha) you are the supreme deity of athirahasya yoga, very secret yoga.

Tha audio version of this song is available in ""

Friday, March 26, 2010

Shri Kamalaambikaayaam Bhakthim -- Sahana -- Thriputa Thaalam

This is the seventh aavarana krithi denoting the Sarva rogahara Chakra meaning the remover of all ills. In reality it refers to the removal of ignorance born of Maya and its resultant dwandhwa moha or the dual aspects of heat and cold, happiness and sorrow, friendship and enmity, gain and loss etc. Here the mind reaches equanimity and the right spirit for the worship of Srichakra.There are eight triangles representing eight divinities known as vag devathaas. The presiding deity is Tripura Siddha, the aspect of tripura which bestows all forms of accomplishments. According to Sri Bhaskararaya, under special circumstances the worship of whole Srichakra can be accomplished by worshipping the above said eight vasu kona along with trikona and such is the greatness of this aavarana.


Shri kamalaambikaayaam bhakthim karomi := I am devoted to Sri Kamalaamba.

shritha kalpa vaatikaayaam chandikaayaam jagadambikaayaam :=
 She is like the garden of kalpa trees for Her devotees. She is known as Chandika and She is the mother of the world.

The kalpa tree gives all that is desired. If there is a garden of such trees what could not be accomplished by Her devotees! She is Chandica due to Her fierce nature in dealing with the wicked. She is the Shakthi who created this universe with all the sentient and insentient creatures.

AnuPallavi :=

Rakaa chandra vadanaayaam rajeeva nayanaayaam :=  Whose face is like the full moon and whose eyes are like the red lotus.

Paakaarinutha charanaayaam aakaasaadi kiranaayaam := Whose feet are worshiped by Indra, the enemy of Paakaasura..She possesses  the rays which can be termed as the light of lights .e.g. Shankaracharya  describes Devi in the 21st sloka of Soundarya Lahari as follows:
Thatillekaa thanveem thapana shashi vaishwaanara mayim  i.e. Devi shines in fire, sun and the moon, having Her body like the arc of lightning and also shines in   the sahasrara chakra in unison with Lord Shiva. She is the inner light in every being which identifies the lights of the sun, moon, fire etc.

Madhyama kala :=

Hreemkaara vipina hariNyaam hreemkaara su sareeriNyaam := She is the deer wandering in the forest of hreemkara and She has the beautiful body known as hreemkara .

Hreemkara tharu manjaryaam hreemkara iswaryaam gauryaam  := Who is the bunch of flowers in the tree of hreemkara manthra, who is the presiding deity of hreemkara and who is known as Gauri as She is of golden hue.

Hreemkara is known as shakthi pranavam and it is considered as the mother of sounds on earth.This is also the bija manthra of the supreme sahasrara chakra.The soul is supposed to attain kaivalya by reciting this manthra at sahasrara chakra.Hreem is the combination of ha, ra, i, and ma. Hreem stands for Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and their energies vaama, jyeshta and roudri which are the three sides of the triangle at the base of sushumna representing will, knowledge and action. Mother Lalitha generates what is indirect as the absolute to become direct through hreem syllable. She is known as Hreemkara vedya. In both  hreem and om the para aspect and the apara aspect of the Brahman are indicated. Therefore She is hreemkara chinthya. Hreem itself is veda and She is the upanishad for the veda. So She is Hreemkara vedopanishad.

Charanam :=

Shareerathraya vilakshana sukhathara sva athmaanu bhoginyaam := There are three types of bodies in respect of every human being, the gross, the subtle and the causal bodies. Devi is enjoying within us by dint of Her all pervasiveness the fourth state viz. thuria, the brahmaananda thathva.

The materials from which the gross body is made is a happy mixture of the five gross elements. The gross material from which the bodies are made whether they belong to plants, animals or humans comes from the same five gross elements. But the scheme of determining the type of birth is the result of past actions of the individual. These are known as vasanas.They determine the condition regarding health, size, shape and colour. This birth is undertaken to get rid of the praarabdha karma or the result of past actions.
The subtle body consists of mind, intellect, ten organs of perception and action and the five pranaas.
The causal body, as it contains vaasanaas, functions in deep sleep. At that time it is in a state of non apprehensions.Thus the self is steeped in avidya or maya.

These three bodies are different from the pure self which  enlivens them by its very presence and it is full of bliss.
Virinchi hareesaana harihaya veditha rahasya yoginyaam:= The Thrimurthis viz. Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva have learnt from Goddess Lalitha the powers of the rahasya yoginis, the deity each of the triangles in the Srichakra as She is the embodiment as well as the presiding deity of these yoginis.

Paraadi vaagdevatha rupa vashinyaadi vibhaaginyaam :=She is the embodiment of vashini devatha who is one of the eight vaag devathas who are known as deities of speech.These are the sources of matrukaas, the mothers identified with all the letters and sounds of the Sanskrit alphabets.They comprise of the fifty one letters of the Sanskrit language.Thus the eight minor triangles cover all the sound sources of the manifest world and also with the other powers associated with the srichakra's remaining seven sub chakras.

Sarva rogahara chakram

The names of these Vaagdevathas are vashini, kaameswari, modini, vimale, arune, jayini, sarveshwari, and kaulini. She is the embodiment of para vidya which deals with the unknown and strikes the difference between the two viz.para and apara vidya.

Charaathmaka sarvarogahara niramaya raja yoginyaam. := She is the goddess of Raja-yoga which can eliminate all the diseases in beings leading one to exuberance in health. Devi is the coiled power of kundalini shakthi in every being and the practice of rajayoga releases one from all types of diseases, physical as well as mental. Raja yoga is the royal path of meditation. As a king maintains control over his kingdom a man can have control over his own kingdom of the territories of mind as well as body through various practices prescribed therein and ultimately realise the self. In this sentence the name of the chakra is mentioned as sarva roga hara.

Madhyama kaalam := 

Karadhritha vinaa vaadinyaam kamala nagara vinodinyaam :=Devi sports in the kamala nagara viz. Tiruvarur playing the Veena in her hand .

Sura nara muni jana modinyaam guruguha vara prasaadinyaam := Devi pleases the gods, human beings and the sages and bestows boons to guruguha ; here we may attribute the term guruguha to Dikshithar.

For the audio version of this song may be referred to.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kamalaambikaayaaha -- Punnaagavaraali - Rupaka Thaalam.

This is the sixth Navaavarana by Dikshithar. The raagamudra viz. Punnaagavaraali appears in the Anu Pallavi. The Chakra is known as Sarva Rakshaakara Chakram, the protector of all. This is known as Anthar Dashaara Chakra,meaning the inner sub ten triangles.

Kamalaambikaayaaha asthava bhakthoham :: I am the devotee of Kamalaambika

Shankaryaaha shrikaryaaha sangeetha rasikaayaaha shri :=  She is the spouse of Lord Shankara. She is the bestower of all prosperity and She is a great Music Lover and the most auspicious one.
Anu Pallavi :=

Suma sara ikshu kodanda Paasa ankusa paanyaaha := In Her four hands She holds the flower arrow, the Sugarcane bow, the rope noose and the goad.

Athi madhurathara vaanyaha Sarvaanyaaha Kalyaanyaaha := Possessing of a very sweet voice ; She is the spouse of Lord Shiva; She is the embodiment of auspiciousness.

Madhyama Kalam

Ramaneeya punnaga varaali vijitha venyaaha shri  := She has beautiful hair which surpasses the beauty of the blackbees swarming the Punnaga tree and She is the most auspicious .

Charanam :=

Sarva Rakshakara Chakra

Dasa kala athmaka vanhi swarupa prakasa anthar dasara sarva rakshaakara chakra iswaryaaha:= She is the deity of inner ten triangles which is named as Sarva Rakshaakara Chakra which depicts Her inner nature of ten fold fire. In the fifth avarana the outer ten triangles were dealt with the respective deities viz. the ten vayus prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana, Naga, Kurma, Krukara, Devadutta, Dananjaya. Of these the first five vayus interact with the fire in the stomach and performs rechaka excreting, paachaka making the food fit for intake, soshaka drying, daahaka burning,plaavaka filling. The rest of the five vayus do the kshaarakam acidification, udhdhaarakam take out or excrete, kshobakam the fires of pessimism, jrumbhakam  fire of assimilation, mohakam creating lustre,with the food which digest bhakshya, bhojya, shoshya, lehya and peya qualities of the food viz.biteable,enjoyable,dry,semisolid and drinkable qualities of food.

The present sixth aavarana deals with ten vital fires stated above and this chakra denotes the beginning of inner realisation of self.

Thridasaadinutha kacha varga dwaya maya sarvagnaadi dasa shakthi sametha malini :-

Worshiped by three deities or thirty three crores of deities as per mythology, the ten letters of ka and cha group denoting the ten nigarbha yoginis meaning the hidden deities surrounding Goddess Kaulini. They are Sarvagna-omniscient, sarva shakthi-all powerful, sarvaishvarya prada-conferring all empowerment, sarvagnaanamayi- consisting of all knowledge, sarva vyadhi vinaasini-destroying all diseases, sarvaadhaara swarupe-central axis of our body viz the sushumna through the spinal cord, sarva paapahare-annihilator of all sins, sarvaanandamayi-bestower of all happiness, sarva rakshaa swarupini-bestower of all protection, sarvopsithapalaprade-giver of all wishes,

Chakreswaryaaha thridasa vimsad varna garbhini kundalinyaaha :=She is deity of the chakra maalini surrounded by the above said dasa kalas, She is the kundalini covering the fifty letters (in Sanskrit).

Dasa mudraa samaaraaditha kaulinyaaha := She is the godess Kaulini worshipped by ten Mudras. Mudras are positions of fingers practised in worship. There are ten mudras in Shri yanthra worship. Samkshobini,Vidhraavini, Aakarshini, Vasankari, Unmaadini, Mahaankusa, Kesari, Bija, Yoni, Thrikanta. These are explained very elaborately in the website under dasa mudraani. Even in Lalitha Sahasranaamam the term Dasamudra samaaraadhya denotes this. However according to Samayaachaara these are not applicable.Whatever the Gnaanis speak becomes worship and whatever they do becomes the Puja krama or the tenets of Puja.

Madhyama kalam
Dasarathaadinutha guruguha janaka shiva bhodinyaaha := Worshipped by Dasaratha etc. She confers knowledge on Shiva the father of guruguha.

Dasa karana vritthi mareechi nigarbha yoginyaaha shri := Her inner light constitutes the working of ten karanas or indriyas viz.Gnaanendriyas such as ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose; Karmendriyaas such as speech, hands, legs, genitals and anus.The krithi ends here stating such auspicious Kamalamba whose devotee I am.

The audio version is available with