Monday, November 30, 2009

Kamalaambikaayai -- kambodhi -- ata thalam

The Fourth Aavarana of Shri Kamalaamba Navaavarana consists of fourteen triangles. These are fourteen minor triangles presided over by yoginis and the relative Chakra is known as Sarva Sowbhagya Dayaka, which grants excellence. Even in Bhagavad Gita it is said yoga is excellence in action.The right frame of mind for such an action is bestowed by this aavaranam.The fourth aavaranam is in the fourth vibhakthi..The raga mudra comes in the charanam.

Pallavi :=

Kamalaambikaayai kanakaamshukaayai karpoora veetikaayai namasthe namasthe:= My  prostration to  you again and again, Kamalaambika who wears golden silk dress and uses the fragrant karpoora betals.


Kamalaakaanthaanujaayai kaameshwaryai ajaayai:= She is the younger sister of Vishnu the consort of Lakshmi. She is Kaameshwari.As Kaanchi periavar says " Ambaal is holding sugarcane bow and flower arrows in order to relieve us of our mental agitations. Once the grace of Devi befalls a person that person will have equanimity in respect of every thing perceived by him. She is ajaa, devoid of birth and death. She is the embodiment of pure consciousness. She is the absolute Brahman, the supreme peace,unborn and permanent.

Himagiri thanujaayai := She is the daughter of Himavaan, the king of mountains.

Hreemkaara poojyayai :=Kaameshwri is worshipped as a vashini devatha or deity in the sarva roga hara chakra of eight triangles which will be dealt in a later krithi, and Her beeja manthra is hreemkaara.

Madhyama kaalam:=

Kamala nagara vihaarinyai kala samooha samhaarinyai := She is sporting in the Kamala nagara of Thiruvaarur or She is sporting in our hearts which is termed as kamala nagara by Dikshithar. She is the destroyer of wicked people, or She is the destroyer of our wicked thoughts in our minds.

Kamaneeya rathna haarinyai kali kalmasha parihaarinyai := She wears a beautiful gem-set necklace, She is the destroyer of sins committed by us in this kaliyuga.

Charanam :=

Sarva sowbhaagya dhaayaka chakram

Sakala sowbhaagya daayaka ambhoja charanaayai:=   The lotus feet of Devi confers the devotee all prosperity.

Samkshobinyaadi shakthi yutha chathurthaavaranaayai:=The Fourth aavarana belongs to you wherein you are endowed with the power of Samkshobini viz. giver of all prosperity.

Prakata chathur dasa bhuvana bharanaayai:= You bear the famous fourteen worlds.

The rishis of lore talked about experiences of life in fourteen worlds, seven higher worlds and seven lower worlds. There are three worlds wherein the ego undergoes reincarnation and repeated deaths.These are bhur loka ,the earth; bhuvar loka, the world and the next which is connected to this world but constituted of fine matter.  suvar loka, the heavenly world. Beyond these, there are four other worlds wherein the ego moves about and enjoys higher evolutionary life. These are known as Mahar loka, Jana loka, thapa loka, sathya loka.

Below the earth there are seven worlds viz.,Paathaalam, Mahathaalam. Rasaathalam, Thalathaalam, Suthaalam, Vithaalam and Athaaalam

Prabhala guruguha sampradaaya anthah karanaayai := You represent the inner core of the famous Guruguha tradition.

Here guruguha denotes Dikshithar and he belonged to smartha sampradaaya. As a staunch follower of smaartha sampradaaya he was a srividya upasaka and experiences Devi as pure consciousness within himself.

Akalanka rupa varnaayai aparnaayai suparnaayai :=Blemishless, beautiful in the form and hue with the names of Aparna and suparna.

Paarvathi was doing penance towards Lord Shiva without partaking food, not even dry leaves.Thus She was named as aparna. All manifestations of Shakthi in the world in the gross form are known as suparna

Su kara dhrutha chaapa baanayai := Devi holds in Her beautiful hands the sugarcane bow and flower arrows.

Shobanakara manukonaayai :=Devi is the presiding deity of Sarva Sowbhaagya daayaka Chakra which consists of  fourteen triangles which give the following powers :=

01.Sarva samkshobhini:= Power to make everything restless.
02.Sarva vidvaavini := Power to destroy.
03.Sarvaakarshini := Power to attract all.
04.Sarvaahlaadini :=Power of conferring delight.
05.Sarvamohini := Power of confusing.
06.Sarvasthambini:= Power to sustain.
07.Sarvajrimbhini :=Power to expand.
08.Sarvavasankari :=Power to influence.
09.Sarvaranjani := Power to please
10.Sarvonmaadini :=Power to intoxicate.
11.Sarvaarthasaadake := Power to accomplish all aims.
12.Sarvasampatthipurani :=Power to fulfill.
13.Sarvamanthramayi := Power consisting of all manthraas.
14.Sarvadwandwakshayankari := Power to destroy duality

Madhyama kaalam: =

Sakunkumaadi lepanaayai charaacharaadi kalpanaayai := Devi is fully covered by the application of kunkuma etc. She is the creator of movable and immovable aspects of the universe. The world appearance is nothing but the play of the mind and the mind itself is the play of the omnipotent and all powerful Ambaal.

Chikuravijitha neela ganaayai chidaananda purnaganaayai :=Devi's black hair surpasses in beauty that of the clouds. She is laden with the repository of existence knowledge and bliss.

The audio version is available with "".under navaavarana krithis of Dikshithar.