This is the seventh(Sapthami) vibhakthi krithi of Lord Subrahmanya at thiruthani composed by Sri Muthuswami Dikshithar.
Guruguhaswamini Bhakthim karomi:= I am devoted to Lord Guruguha.
Nirupama sve mahimni para dhaamni:= Because He is unparalleled in His glory; He is unparalleled in the supreme state.
Karunaakara chidaananda naathaathmani:= Lord Guruguha ,with His wealth of compassion resides in the cave of heart for each soul as personification of knowledge, tranquility and supreme peace.
Kara charaNadi avayava pariNamathmani:= Unlike the seed that creates the tree, brahman creates the world without destroying itself. Brahman is a nameless and formless being. In every atom there are countless world appearances. Time, space motion and matter are all different aspects of a single infinite consciousness. Only when the truth is perceived these appearances which are illusory will vanish and sarvam brahma mayam will be experienced. Until then Guruguha with His divine form with hands and feet appears for our worship.
Tharunollaasadi pujitha swaathmani:= Parasurama kalpa sutra speak about five stages for the yoga sadhaka which are as follows: Aarambha(beginning), taruna (youthful) yavvana (adolescent) praudha (mature), praudhantha(end of maturity) The sadhaka should practise samayacharya and when the sixth state of mindlessness is achieved all the restrictions are removed. Here Dikshithar says he worships Guruguha of such highest achievement.
Dharanyaadyakila thathvaatheethathmani :=The tatvas are the properties of human body and there are about ninety six of them. The Earth tatva comes under the heading Pancha bhuta and Guruguha is beyond these tatvas.
Nijarupa jitha paavakendu bhanumathi:= The One Who outshines fire, moon, and the sun
Nirathisayaanande hamso viramathi:= Who revels in the blissful state of paramahamsas.
Aja sikshana rakshana vichakshana sumathi:= The One Who punished as well as protected Brahma the intelligent.
Hari Hayadi devatha gana pranamathi:= Worshipped by gods such as Hari and Shiva.
Madhyama kala:=
Yajanaadi karma niratha bhusura hithe:= The One who is dear to the brahmanas who perform sacrifices.
Yama niyamaadi ashtaanga yoga vihithe:= There are six systems constituting the vedic philosophy and Patanjali yoga is one of them. It is called Ashtanga yoga, yoga of eight parts or limbs.These are 1) restraint 2) observance 3) posture 4) breath control 5) sense withdrawal 6) concentration 7) meditative absorption 8) ecstasy(standing inside of).
The first two relate to yama and niyama.
Vijayavalli Devasena sahithe:= The victorious one with Valli and Devasena.
Veeraadi sannuthe vikalpa rahithe:=The One adored by bravehearts and the One Who is formless and thereby incomprehensible.