Friday, June 12, 2009

Guruguhaswamini - Bhanumathi - khanda thriputa

This is the seventh(Sapthami) vibhakthi krithi of Lord Subrahmanya at thiruthani composed by Sri Muthuswami Dikshithar.


Guruguhaswamini Bhakthim karomi:= I am devoted to Lord Guruguha.

Nirupama sve mahimni para dhaamni:= Because He is unparalleled in His glory; He is unparalleled in the supreme state.


Karunaakara chidaananda naathaathmani:= Lord Guruguha ,with His wealth of compassion resides in the cave of heart for each soul as personification of knowledge, tranquility and supreme peace.

Kara charaNadi avayava pariNamathmani:= Unlike the seed that creates the tree, brahman creates the world without destroying itself. Brahman is a nameless and formless being. In every atom there are countless world appearances. Time, space motion and matter are all different aspects of a single infinite consciousness. Only when the truth is perceived these appearances which are illusory will vanish and sarvam brahma mayam will be experienced. Until then Guruguha with His divine form with hands and feet appears for our worship.

Tharunollaasadi pujitha swaathmani:= Parasurama kalpa sutra speak about five stages for the yoga sadhaka which are as follows: Aarambha(beginning), taruna (youthful) yavvana (adolescent) praudha (mature), praudhantha(end of maturity) The sadhaka should practise samayacharya and when the sixth state of mindlessness is achieved all the restrictions are removed. Here Dikshithar says he worships Guruguha of such highest achievement.

Dharanyaadyakila thathvaatheethathmani :=The tatvas are the properties of human body and there are about ninety six of them. The Earth tatva comes under the heading Pancha bhuta and Guruguha is beyond these tatvas.


Nijarupa jitha paavakendu bhanumathi:= The One Who outshines fire, moon, and the sun

Nirathisayaanande hamso viramathi:= Who revels in the blissful state of paramahamsas.

Aja sikshana rakshana vichakshana sumathi:= The One Who punished as well as protected Brahma the intelligent.

Hari Hayadi devatha gana pranamathi:= Worshipped by gods such as Hari and Shiva.

Madhyama kala:=

Yajanaadi karma niratha bhusura hithe:= The One who is dear to the brahmanas who perform sacrifices.

Yama niyamaadi ashtaanga yoga vihithe:= There are six systems constituting the vedic philosophy and Patanjali yoga is one of them. It is called Ashtanga yoga, yoga of eight parts or limbs.These are 1) restraint 2) observance 3) posture 4) breath control 5) sense withdrawal 6) concentration 7) meditative absorption 8) ecstasy(standing inside of).
The first two relate to yama and niyama.

Vijayavalli Devasena sahithe:= The victorious one with Valli and Devasena.

Veeraadi sannuthe vikalpa rahithe:=The One adored by bravehearts and the One Who is formless and thereby incomprehensible.

The audio link of this song as rendered by smt.R.Vedavalli is available in under Dikshithar krithis.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Guruguhasya daasoham - ragam Purvi - Thalam Misra chapu.

Thiruththani temple at present

This is the sixth vibhakthi krithi composed by Sri Dikshithar on Lord Muruga of Thiruthtani.


Shri Guruguhasya daasoham:= Dikshithar boldly declares " I am a slave of Sri Guruguha. Dikshithar justifies this statement by bringing out the glories of Guruguha in the entire song.

No cheth chit guruguha ekaaham:=  Otherwise I am one with Him in my mind.

Anu Pallavi:=

Bhoga Mokshaathmaka charaNasya:= His feet are capable of granting enjoyment as well as liberation

Bhupuraadi navavaraNasya:= The first avarana is known as Bhupura and the chakra is thrilokya mohana, enchanter of the three worlds. Mother Goddess Kamalamba is the mother of Guruguha. She is thripurasundari, whose beauty has no parallel in the three worlds.
The srichakra puja proceeds from the outer first avarana to the bindu in the ninth avarana and Dikshithar considers Guruguha as the Paramaathma who envelops all this.

Yogi brindhaantha:karaNasya:=The one who dwells in the heart of yogins

Yoga peetadhikaraNasya:= The one who is in the chief position of all yoga peetas.


Sanakaadi purvika munigana sannuthaananda vigrahasya:= There is a story about the saints. Sanakaadis in the eleventh canto of Srimad Bhagavatham. Lord Brahma sent His sons, Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanathana and Sanathkumara who were born out of His mind, to different directions to procreate in order to help the process of creation. They were enlightened souls who took a vow to remain as five year old celebates and brahmacharins in the service of God. When they wanted to learn about the thathva behind Radha-krishna leela, Hamsa bhagavan incarnated and explained to them and ultimately the Sanakadis incarnated as sakhis of Bhagavan. Guruguha exalted the happiness of Sanakadis by being with them.

Vanaja bhavaadi sakala sumano vaanchi thaarthaanugrahasya:= Fulfills the wishes of all good people like Brahma.

Janana layaadi rupa prapancha agnaana karya nigrahasya:= In this created world of name and form the agnaana or ignorance is to think that it is real. The moment the unreality of the existence of the objective world is realised as the blueness of the sky is unreal, the Lord is realised. Lord Guruguha destroys this ignorance.

Manana, dhyana, samaadhir nishta mahaanubhava hrudgrhasya:= One who grasps and reflects upon the purports of scriptures attains unfathomable wisdom,firm conviction and un perturbable coolness of spirit. Guruguha resides in the abodes of hearts of such mahaanubhavaas.

Madhyama kalam:=

Dinakara koti vibhaswarasya:= Guruguha resplendent with the shine of one crore suns.

Tejomaya jagadeeshwarasya:= Guruguha is the light in which the self and the world shine.

Janaranjanakarasya varasya:= ( By dispelling the ignorance) Guruguha bestows the boon of blissful existence to the people.

Sarvasmaath parasya harasya:= For all of us Guruguha is the giver and taker of everything.

This song as rendered by Smt.vijayalakshmi is available in under Dikshithar krithis

Monday, June 1, 2009

Guruguhaadanyam na jaaneham - balahamsa ragam - jhampa thalam

Fifth vibhakthi krithi on Lord Subrahmanya at Tiruttani by Dikshithar.


Guruguhaadanyam na jaaneham:= I do not know anyone else other than Guruguha
(Of possesing the following attribute)

Gupthaagamaartha thathva prabhodhino:= With the great awakening of the philosophy and meaning of the agamas held in secret, Shakthi is known as thripura. Literally it means three cities. They are the states of wakeful, dream and deep sleep. The under current of consciousness in all of them which remains unaffected is metaphorically called Shri thripura. By giving the feminine concept of thripura, the care of loving mother for her created offsprings is established. The interest in thripura creates the zeal for knowing the Truth. This study is the essence of the study of all agamaas viz. vedic, vaishnava, shaiva, shaktha,and Pasupatha.


Arunodayaananda koti brahmaandaakaara shivaadi dharaantha thathva swaroopiNo:= Embodying the shiva, vishnu thathvas He is resplendant like sunrise in crores of universes at a time.


Sahasra dala sarasija madhya nivaasino:=The atman the self in the form of Guruguha resides in the Sahasraara chakra which is above the head and known as the thousand petalled lotus.

Sakala chandra bhaskara teja prakaasino:= He is shining as all the moons and suns in the crores of universes put together.

Sahajaananda sthita daasa visvaasino:= The entire creation is like a stage on which each created being or matter exhibits certain characteristics of own and play their roles as per a natural order portraying various moods and which produces and removes various seasons accompanied by celestial music and roaring of the oceans.The stage is illuminated by the sun, moon and the stars, with its actors and actresses as living beings in all the worlds.These denizens of universe enjoying the bliss of the natural order stand in awe-stricken loyalty to Guruguha.The Lord is the silent witness to this cosmic dance.

Sacchith sukhaathmaka visva vilaasino:= The infinite consciousness is omnipresent and it is without beginning and end. It is pure , unmodified, undifferentiated being. It is known as existence, knowledge and bliss. The very same infinite consciousness fancied to create this universe with its vivid sentient beings and insentient matter.

Madhyama kaalam:=

Aharaha:prabhala hamsa prakaasaathmano:= In Srividya Shiva is known as prakaasa and Shakthi is called vimarsa i.e the opposite of prakaasa in the sense that it denotes reasoning due to the existence of doubts. Prakaasa is represented as 'ha' and vimarsa is represented as
'sa'. The principle that joins shiva kala 'ha' and shakthi kala 'sa' is called MUKHA AKSHARA
which is denoted by bindu (.) Therefore prakasa-bindu-vimarsa all the three combined becomes

The chinmudra is the symbolic representation that jiva is shiva or prakasa swarupa.The thumb
in chin mudra stands for prakasa thathva and the index finger denotes jiva in thuria avastha.
When they both join they indicate both are one. Rest of the three fingers are separated to show that the three avasthas viz. jaagra, swapna, sushupthi. The jiva crossing these three stages becomes united with prakasa thathva in thuria avastha.Day in and day out Guruguha enlightens the liberated jivas of this thathva.

Dahara vidya pradaayaka paramaathmano:= In the eighth chapter of Chaandogya upanishad, Dahara vidya is termed as a meditation technique of concentrating in the cave of the heart about Brahman.The upanishads are the direct instructions of Paramaathma. Thus Guruguha is called by Dikshithar as the Paramathma offering dahara vidya.

JahadajahallakshaNaya jeevaikyaathmano:= What is jahallakshaNa? When we look at a statement that there is a village on the Ganges, the river Ganges (the primary meaning) is replaced by the idea that the village is on the banks of the Ganges.

Ajahallakshana:= When we say the spears are coming, we mean an army with spears are coming. Here the primary cause is retained.

Jahadajahallakshana:= When we say, the boy is a lion, we attribute the partial secondary nature of lion may be its power, strength or valour leaving other animal attributes.
Dikshithar praises the lord Guruguha as representing the oneness of jiva with Himself on the basis of Jahadajahallakshana.

Raha:pujitha chidananda nathaathmano:= As mentioned earlier Guruguha is the Paramathma offering dahara vidya in the cave of His heart in secret and enjoyer of self as the Lord of the mind full of bliss.

This krithi as rendered beautifully by Sri.R.Suryaprakash is available in under the heading Dikshithar krithis.The blog further contains a treatise on the raga balahamsa.